Dolphin Quest at Hilton Waikoloa Village Announces Dolphin Baby Naming Contest!

Dolphin Quest is inviting dolphin friends and fans to help us name our three newest baby dolphins, born at Dolphin Quest Hawaii, located at the Hilton Waikoloa Village on Hawaii’s Big Island. Moms Keo, Kona and Pele and their calves are all healthy and doing fine.

My son swimming with one of the dolphins at Dolphin Quest Hawaii

Dolphin baby name suggestions can be submitted in person at Dolphin Quest Hawaii or online. The latest updates and photos of the moms and calves can be found on the Dolphin Quest Facebook page.

For more information click here: Help Us Name the Three New Baby Dolphins

And once again… here is the incredible footage of one of the dolphins being born recently:

Video – Dolphin Born Yesterday at Dolphin Quest Hawaii Hilton Waikoloa Village

A baby dolphin was born yesterday (Monday, September 17, 2012) at Dolphin Quest Hawaii, located at the Hilton Waikoloa Village.

Keo and female calf- born Monday, Sept. 17, 2012 at 5:10pm.
Video by Mike Peterson, Dolphin Quest Hawaii

It’s the first baby for proud dolphin mom, 12-year-old Keo. Dolphin Quest trainers were in the water during the dolphin birth to observe and comfort the new dolphin mom. Dolphins Pele (the new baby’s grandmother) and Noelani (the baby’s aunt) were also in the Dolphin Quest lagoon to keep Keo company.

The baby, a female calf, and mom are both well and wonderful. The baby dolphin began nursing within four hours of birth. About 50 people gathered around the Hilton’s Dolphin Quest lagoon to witness the rarely-seen event. Keo was in labor for approximately one hour.

The first 30 days of a newborn dolphin’s life are the most critical. Dolphin Quest trainers will continue round-the-clock watch over the pair, recording nursing and respiration rates, and making sure that Keo is well-fed and hydrated. Over that period, Keo’s new baby will be introduced to the other nine dolphins at Dolphin Quest Hawaii. After the initial 30 day care period, trainers will select a name for the new baby girl.

Visitors can see the new baby swimming with mom at Dolphin Quest Hawaii at Hilton Waikoloa Village.

Keo’s calf is the 18th dolphin baby and the first second-generation calf to be born at the conservation and education-dedicated marine park since Dolphin Quest opened in 1988.

A Seventh Wedding, a Dolphin Birth, a Staycation and the Steve Miller Band at the Hilton Waikoloa Village

The Hilton Waikoloa Village Lagoon Prepped for a Wedding

The Hilton Waikoloa Village Lagoon Prepped for a Wedding

I recently had the opportunity to spend three days at the Hilton Waikoloa Village Resort leading up to the 16th Annual Mealani Taste of the Hawaiian Range and it was another great staycation that I’m finally able to write about.

Inside the Cave at the Hilton Waikoloa Village Resort

Inside a cave at the Hilton Waikoloa Village Resort

A few weeks before I arrived, I noticed a couple, Alex and Lisa, that had flew to Hawaii and was seeking a place to have their 7th wedding through an adventure they were documenting on their blog

Wedding #7

Wedding #7 at the Hilton Waikoloa Village Resort (Picture courtesy of Alex and Lisa)

I put out a couple facebook messages and a few tweets and the next thing I knew… Alex and Lisa were invited to have their 7th wedding taken care of for them by the folks at the Hilton Waikoloa Village all because of me and the folks at the Hilton.

Alex and Lisa get married with a dolphin looking on

Alex and Lisa get married with a dolphin looking on (Picture courtesy of Alex and Lisa)

Alex and Lisa’s 7th wedding night ended with a romantic dinner at “Buddha Point” where they enjoyed a great dinner with the sunset in the distance.

Alex and Lisa happily married at the Hilton Waikoloa Village Resort

Alex and Lisa happily married at the Hilton Waikoloa Village Resort

On August 20th, a few weeks before my most recent visit, a little male dolphin baby was born. The new dolphin calf’s mom is 40-year-old Iwa and both mom and calf are healthy and doing fine.

Iwa and her new baby boy

Iwa and her new baby boy

DolphinQuest Hawaii just finished a name the baby dolphin contest in which more then 300 folks entered names for the newborn.  They are still finalizing the name of the dolphin so I don’t know what the name is as of this writing.

The Baby Dolphin Surfaces with his mother Iwa

The Baby Dolphin Surfaces with his mother Iwa (Picture courtesy of Alex and Lisa)

I normally stay in the Lagoon Tower when I stay at the Hilton Waikoloa but this time I was put up in The Palace Tower which is the middle tower on the property.

Inside the Palace Tower

Inside the Palace Tower

The canal was under renovation so instead of taking boats around the property…

The Canal

Part of the canal

I used the trams quite a bit this stay…

The Tram

The Tram

But I myself prefer the boats as a form of transportation for some reason.

The trams pass each other

This staycation was a chance for me to unwind from some of the things that have been going on in my life of late and I sure appreciate the Hilton Waikoloa Village putting me up for a few days.

A Hilton Waikoloa Sunset

A Hilton Waikoloa Village Resort Sunset

I have a friend from the mainland coming in December and him and his girlfriend look forward to staying here.  I just wish they were coming a few days earlier so they could have the chance to catch the Steve Miller Band in Concert on the 10th!

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