Does My Blog Load Really Slow For You?

Many of us folks that understand internet bandwidth and how the State of Hawaii is currently investigating and researching ways to improve internet bandwidth speeds across the state, often don’t think about how our own sites may be viewed upon others as most of our stuff is already cached in our systems.

I’m looking at ways of making my site more easily accessible to those folks that are grumbling that my site takes to long to load up.

I’ve decreased the amount of posts per front page from 20 to 5 and when I have time I will be consolidating my neighbor island blogs into a “Blogroll” feature that wordpress uses for blogroll’s however I opted out trying to mix in a little of my own HTML coding and I think that might be slowing things down as well.

In the next few days… I will be changing a few things and hopefully this will make loading my site much more pleasurable for those that are having trouble with it.

Any geeks want to weigh-in and and any Big Island Bloggers want to be part of my new Blogroll I create on this site?

State of Hawaii Broadband Initiative Speed Test… Failure on My End

Back in August, Governor Abercrombie  launched a major economic development initiative to provide statewide access to affordable ultra high-speed Internet by 2018. The “Hawai’i Broadband Initiative”  is essential to build a vibrant and sustainable economy and workforce in Hawai’i and improve the quality of life for residents.

Anyone that understands the internet and what high-speed internet access can provide and possibly do for all of us in Hawaii… should be at least happy to learn that at least it now appears the State is going to be doing something about it with the State of Hawaii Broadband Initiative Speed Test that they launced today:

You can now help the State of Hawaii Broadband Initiative and our goal of providing affordable, ultra high-speed Internet access for all of Hawaii’s citizens by taking our speed test! The data we collect will assist us in identifying and closing gaps in service throughout the State.

Click to go to the site where you can test your speeds for the state

My guess is that many folks may fear this type of data gathering by government agencies but the state says:

…To participate, click on the link below to check your Internet speed and provide your street address, Internet carrier, and type of connection.  This information will only be used by the State to map broadband coverage and to categorize the data collected, and will not be disclosed to any third parties…

Well I just attempted to take the test from my location in Pahoa, Hawaii… and it just seemed to freeze up on me!  I’ve now taken the test twice and it just seems to freeze up on the following screen:

I wonder if it’s just because the test was just launched and lots of folks are trying it… or I’m just a computer loser when it comes to my broadband speeds.