Harry Kim Says “Mahalo Nui Loa” to His Facebook Friends and Posts to YouTube

Harry Kim just posted the following on Facebook:


Aloha all, thank you for your kind messages of support, and I am sorry to be back on Facebook so late in the day, but it has been very busy.

I had a late lunch today with family and a nephew and his wife who came from San Diego just to be here with me and participate in one day of sign waving. Words cannot express the kind of feelings that you have because people do this for you. My nephew’s mother (my sister) revealed to me that a her son, who is in his 40s, said he could not sleep last night because of his concern for me.

I want you all to know that I cannot remember feeling within myself such deep sadness as felt last night and through most of this day. In trying to understand why I feel this way, I truly believe it is because of the great disappointment within myself that in failing to win, I have caused so much deep sadness to those who worked so hard and gave of their time, their resources, and above all, love and hope for a good result.

I wish-I so very much wish-I could take away everyone’s disappointment and sadness. I am also going to post a message I just sent to friends who have been helping, and it conveys some of the things I am feeling.
If all these words seem like rambling, it is because I don’t know how to express truly what I feel. Thank you for your kindness and support the past few months, and thank you for letting me love you.

Much aloha,

And he just posted this on YouTube:

Here is the message mentioned in the “Mahalo Nui Loa” post below:

I am about to prepare a brief video and written message for Facebook. I don’t know what I’m going to say, but I do know what I feel and what I’m trying to say.

I had a talk with my family this morning, and because of their sadness, like me and you, the following was said:

I told family to understand what I truly feel at this time. A real sadness, not for me, but a hurt deep inside for all those who worked so hard because of their belief in what was right. I do know I lost an election, but I do know I won everything else. I won so many new friends, I was given so much love and warmth from people and campaign workers. I have gained so much, and none of us lost any of the highest values of integrity, of trust, of goodness towards each other. Others may have won an election but at times I do wonder what have they lost. Like some of you, I am also very saddened that we place values on materialism, power, money and other fleeting things rather than the most important, which is goodness to each other and the care of each other and the place we call home.

I wish I could take away everyone’s disappointment and sadness. I wish I could hold every one of you until sadness ebbs away and is replaced with just the sheer joy that you have given me. We will keep trying in our ways to make this a better place.

I had a call this morning from a very dear old Hawaiian friend named Robert Keliihoomalu, and he said with feelings and words that express what I want to say. Mahalo Nui Loa for being a friend and I love you all.

Much aloha,