BBC America Visits the Big Island – Crash Course and The Three Ring Ranch Wild Animal Sanctuary

Richard Hammond’s Crash Course and Three Ring Ranch Wild Animal Sanctuary in Kona, Hawaii team up for excitement. BBC America sent Richard Hammond, star of Top Gear, to film his wild encounters with exotic animals, including Cody the Buffalo, Zoe the blond zebra and many other residents of the sanctuary.

Ann & Richard release endangered Hawaiian stilts at Hualalai Resort while Norm Goody photographs them

Richard had just a couple days to follow the Curator, Ann Goody around the Sanctuary and learn how to safely care for an interact with the residents. He would have to learn to work with ostrich, shear an alpaca, care for a giant tortoises shell mix flamingo diets and assist with the release of endangered Hawaiian stilts. Far outside of his comfort zone driving race cars and helicopters this program introduces Richard and the audience to an unreal few days at Three Ring Ranch.

Richard & Ann work with an ostrich

See what animal stole from Richard and hear from him what it was like to have Cody invade his personal space. The show airs on BBC America on December 3 at 5 pm followed two more airings later that day as well as by a future airing on BBC International.

Three Ring Ranch is the only accredited Sanctuary in Hawaii. Ann Goody, curator of the sanctuary, says they care for all native species as well as provide advice and support to veterinarian and other rehabilitators. The sanctuary includes a center for hands-on training and interaction with animals for school age children. “For the past twelve years we have rehabilitated Hawaii’s native and endangered species and cared for those exotic creatures already within the State who needed a safe refuge on our five-acre site. Our barn, hospital, aviaries, wetlands and fields serve a wide variety of animals.”

Richard & Ann moving very slowly out of Cody’s environment.

Three Ring Ranch is a non-profit. Private educational excursions are offered by contacting the sanctuary.

For more information about Three Ring Ranch, please visit or contact Ann Goody at to learn more about the ranch or book a tour.