Moderating the Comments on This Site Now

I didn’t realize the overwhelming support that I would get with starting a new blog. Of course, with the support, I also get the nay sayers and the people that would like to spread rumors etc.

I decided that I will moderate all comments just as many other bloggers do. I won’t censor them, and I welcome all comments.

I just don’t want my site filled with viagra ads. This is a free public blogging tool and the more people that read my blog… the more stuff that I need to filter…. unless you need a viagra ad popping up here and there.

I hope this doesn’t discourage anyone from posting. As soon as I have a chance to approve comments on my blog… I will do so… and trust me… I’ll approve most everything, except for the viagra ads.

Update on the Polls

I’m moving the polls to a new page at top of this site.

I have turned on the option so that you can see the updates on the polls automatically.

Voting is still the same.

I’ve decided that I will take down the political polls after 7 days.

I will repost them a new set of polls in a few weeks to see if peoples views have changed on candidates.

Current Breakdown of the Polls

I’m trying to keep everyone posted on the results of this non scientific poll.

Here is a further Breakdown of the Results as of 4:30 Wednesday, Aug. 12th.

(Please ignore the yellow glitches)

Mayoral Race:

Name followed by Number of Votes followed by Percentage of total votes cast

Pilago, Angel K. 119 80%
Kenoi, William P 18 12%
Inouye, Lorraine R 5 3%
Higa, Stacy K 4 3%
Moore, Jasper M. 1 1%
Riley, Randell A. 1 1%
Barrozo, Joseph 0 0%
Masilamoney, Sam 0 0%

District 5 Council Race:

Gumapac, Kale 24 39%
Joseph, Wayne 13 21%
Safarik, Gary 13 21%
Naeole, Emily 7 11%
Stocksdale, Kaniu 5 8%

House Rep. District 4:

Marzi, Anthony 19 37%
Hanohano, Faye 17 33%
Blas, Frederick 8 15%
Sparks, Steven 8 15%

District 6 Council Race:

Jacobson, Bob 7 70%
Enriques, Guy 2 20%
Fogel, Frederick 1 10%

Plastic Bags Being Banned:

Yes 29 85%
No 5 15%

And please remember to actually vote when it really matters ;)

Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islanders are Expected to More Than Double, Increasing From 1.1 to 2.6 Million.

According to this CNN report today, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander population is suppose to double by the year 2050.

This is interesting as an August 8th article by the Honolulu Advertiser states: Percentage of Native Hawaiians shrinking in Hawaii Census….Hawai’i County has the largest percentage of Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders in the state — and the nation — followed by Maui, Kaua’i and Honolulu counties, according to population estimates released yesterday by the U.S. Census Bureau..

Which to me it means more and more Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders are having to leave their homelands to gain roots in the mainland.

Record Hits on My Blog and Safarik Pulls Ahead of Joseph in the Poll

I’d like to thank the 660 people that have viewed my blog in the last 24 hours. This was a record amount of people to view my blog in one day, considering it’s less then a week and a half old.

Safarik fans have come out to play today it looks like, as now Safarik is down to Gumapac by 9 votes. In my earlier report, Joseph was ahead of Safarik.

Hawaiian Airlines to cancel San Diego-Maui route

One more cancellation of a mainland city to a Hawaii destination.

I’m glad I’m already here in the islands.

Soon enough, only the wealthy will be able to fly here.

Arkansas State Democratic Chairmen Fatally Shot!

Insane when people are so nuts that they will go after a chairmen of a party!

More info here.

“A man barged into the Arkansas Democratic headquarters and opened fire Wednesday, fatally shooting the state party chairman before speeding off in his pickup. Police later shot and killed the suspect after a 30-mile chase.”………

Hawaii County District 6 Poll Added

At the request of a constituent of District 6, I have added a District 6 Poll on the Side Bar.

Please feel free to participate in that even if you are not in the District.

And remember everyone….. there is nothing scientific about this, and I don’t stand behind any candidate.

Pilago Pulling Away, Gumapac leading, Marzi in a Close One… Plastic Bags Poof

In my non scientific polls that I will keep up for at least another few weeks:

Pilago leads by 89 Votes over Kenoi

Gumapac leads by 8 over Joseph

Marzi leads by 2 over Hanohano.

Banning Plastic Bags: Yes over No by 24

Puna Geothermal Videos Being Posted on Youtube

I just noticed that someone is posting Puna Geothermal videos on Youtube today.

I’m a big supporter of Geothermal and I think we should really try to use it to it’s fullest potential.

Here are some videos that were just posted today:

More Poll Updates!

You guys have really been responding great.

Here are the total number of Votes Cast again so you can weigh this against the percentages.

Mayoral Race: 112 Votes

District 5 Council Race: 47 Votes

House Rep. District 4: 39 Votes

Plastic Bags: 31 Votes

And just a reminder, the polling system only allows for one vote from each IP address.

Why The CVS Takeover of Longs Drugs is a GOOD THING!

I think we all have heard the news that CVS out of Rhode island has bought out Longs Drugs.

I think this is a good thing!

We will now be able have an “ONLINE” pharmacy available to those of us in Rural Sections of Hawaii where driving to pharmacies and waiting in line is a Biyatch.

I just looked at CVS Online Policies that they have currently and they look pretty good.

More Poll Updates: Wednesday Morning

I’m pleased that many of you are taking the time to vote in these non-scientific polls.

So that you do have a better understanding of the percentages, the following number of people have now voted on the following questions:

Plastic Ban Bag: 15 votes cast

Mayoral Race: 71 votes cast

Council District 5 Race: 38 votes cast

House Rep District 4 Race: 33 votes cast

Keep them coming folks!

Hawaii is the Least “Medicated” State

This kind of surprises me.

We are lucky to live in Hawaii. Hawaii was recently listed as the State with the least amount of Drug Prescriptions filled per capita.

According to Forbes Magazine.

I wonder if this correlates somehow with the lack of physicians?

Former Honolulu Go Go Dancer to be on “America’s Next Top Model”

A 21 year old former Go Go Dancer from Honolulu will be competing on “America’s Next Top Model” this season.

She now resides in Harlem, New York.

The show begins on September 3rd, on the CW.