Kona Kampachi Raises Issues With Mainland Environmentalist

Just noticed that Kona Kampachi is receiving a bit of flack for a few of it’s environmental issues.

It was interesting listening to Gumapac talking about Farmed Fish at the forum the other night.

A Kona Kampachi Cage

A Kona Kampachi Cage

….Transporting what we eat accounts for 80 percent of the U.S. food system’s greenhouse gas emissions, according to scientific studies, and the average American’s eating habits account for 2.8 tons of carbon dioxide emissions each year, compared with the 2.2 tons of carbon dioxide the same person generates by driving…..

….Kona Blue Water Farms President Neil Sims, whose Hawaii-based company farm raises a yellowtail it has dubbed ”Kona kampachi,” sells to high-end restaurants in cities including Washington, Los Angeles, Chicago and Dallas. Those places pay for Kona Blue to ship its product by air….

….’‘We’ve encountered low-level resistance because fresh sells, particularly in seafood,” Sims said. ‘Restaurants are not opposed to frozen fish. They are just more willing to pay a premium for fresh. `Fresh’ is the single most powerful adjective in describing seafood.”

More Here

Joseph Closing In… Pilago Still Dominating… Hanohano Finding Her Groove…Jacobsen Leads… Plastic Bags and Pot

I just noticed that Wayne Joseph is closing in on Gumapac in the Unofficial Poll I have at the top of the page.

Pilago has dropped a percentage point, and Marzi continues to lead Hanohano, although she has picked up significant steam. Jacobsen has been in the lead from the start, although this poll got posted much later.

No suprises in either the plastic bag or pakalolo polls either.

However, the plastic bag poll I set to expire on the day of the last council Meeting.

Final Results there are:

35 People wanted to Ban Plastic bags for 74% of the Votes

While 12 people did not want to ban plastic bags at 26%

The vote that was is the most lopsided right now… Is Pakalolo over Police at 79% – 18%.

Please look at the top of this blog and vote if you haven’t already. Mahalo!

BJ Penn Endorses Billy Kenoi

Best Knock-Out You Will See Today

This is hilarious!

MESA Looking to Bail Out of the China Market… Will Go be Gone?

One more blow for MESA

Mesa Air Group disclosed Tuesday that it hopes to cash out of its highly touted China venture, the latest evidence of its struggle to stay afloat….

…”Clearly it’s not the big hit we hoped for,” Mesa Air Group CEO Jonathan Ornstein said on a conference call with analysts and investors Tuesday….

It’s just a matter of time before MESA pulls out of Hawaii with their Go! Airlines which will effectively make Hawaiian the only Airline for customers to choose from.

HI-5 Recycling Hits All Time High For Hawaii

Environmental Expert is reporting that Hawaii has hit an all time high of 72% returns on HI-5 Beverage Containers.

….The state says this means more than 680 million containers were recycled from July 1, 2007 to June 30, 2008. State law requires that if more than 70 percent of containers are recycled there would be an increase in the container recycling fee (this cover costs of collection and sorting), but the director of health decided to waive the fee increase (it’s currently one cent per container)….

Still no report on how many people are recycling toilet paper rolls ;)

Bishop 1…. Grabel Believable?… Kenoi Story Continued

Yesterday, Hunter Bishops blog mentions a phone call that Bishop and alleged assault victim Joshua Grabel had. (Grabel is serving overseas in Germany right now)

Bishop reports:

…”Grabel said he, his wife and at least two of his friends made statements to police that night but were never called again regarding the incident. Grabel could only tell me the full name of one, however, a Big Island firefighter who he didn’t know how to contact. When I found the firefighter and talked to him on Sunday, he denied being a witness to the events in the bar….

A response by Joshua Grabel in his comments that I read this morning:

“….I stopped believing in imaginary friends when I was 6. So please spare me…..”

I myself would have to say I tend to believe Bishop’s reporting of the phone call as well as what he reported about the fireman not being a witness to the incident.

I respect all soldiers who are serving our country, however, I do know that they tend to get a bit excitable at times…. and often over exagerate things in the “heat of battle”.