Councilman Pilago Response to Highway 130 Question

The County of Hawaii General Plan, the Puna Regional Circulation Plan and the Puna Community Development Plan all propose an alternative route as the way to reduce traffic problems on Highway 130 and address public safety in the case of a natural disaster.

Although Highway 130 is a State Highway, within the first 30 days of my administration I will ask our County Dept. of Public Works to coordinate with State Dept. of Transportation to do an analysis and strategic plan.

Within 60 days, they will report to the County Council and the Puna CDP Implementation Committee with a Plan of Action. The short-term actions and open discussions with the community will support and lead to long-term improvements.

Within 100 days of taking office we will determine an alternative alignment having the least environmental and socio-economic impact, begin looking at interim intersection improvements and roundabouts, promote increased use of mass transit and alternative modes of transportation, and develop an implementation plan for coordinated actions by State and County agencies.

K. Angel Pilago
“He leo, he leo wale no”
“A voice, simply a voice”

District 5 Hawaii Council Candidate DEBATE This Saturday, September 6th

Hawaii County Council District 5 DEBATE!!!

THIS Saturday, September 6th 10:00 AM

Pahoa Community Center


Sponsors: Main Street Pahoa Association and Friends of Puna’s Future
Moderators:  MSPA co-chair Mike Hale and FoPF member Hunter Bishop

The Disappeared News by Larry Geller

I’ve been reading local blogger Larry Geller’s Blog for at least 2 years now.

I’ve learned a lot about many different things that you wouldn’t normally read in the paper.

He seems to be pretty Anti-Superferry with many of his posts but always has a justification as to why.

I’ve added him to my blogroll.

So head on over to “The Disappeared News” and get some more scoops.

Kenoi – “Good Leadership Takes The Blame….”

I was just watching Billy Kenoi’s closing statements at the Mayoral forum and about halfway through his closing statement I happened to catch this:

“…. You know Good Leadership, Good Leadership takes the blame and gives the credit… we don’t take credit and give blame….”

He sure hasn’t taken any blame for the Shooters incident ;)

Mayoral Candidates Talk About Island Roads: The Video

I’m very interested in the roads that are being built here on the Island.  In particular H-130.

It’s very interesting to listen to the Mayoral Candidates talk about the roads here.

Once again, thanks to Dave over at Big Island Video News.

Today’s KO … Well You Get Two Today!

You didn’t knock me out…. You sure about that?


Geez…  I have to post this.  Listen to it with with your sound on…. The KO comes at the end ;)

Advertiser Weighs in on Big Island Mayoral Race – Higa at 2%

The Advertiser weighed in on the Big Island Mayoral Race today.

It mentioned that the Stephens Media Poll showed Higa only had 2% of the votes.

…Council member Stacy Higa, who is also in the race, garnered just 2 percent of the vote…

I would take the Stephens Media Polls, much more seriously then my little unofficial ones.

I guess I have more Higa fans reading my blog in percentage then to the people the Stephens Media people polled because my Unofficial Poll has the following for the Mayorals race so far:

Barrozo, Joseph 0% (0 votes)
feedback barHiga, Stacy K 4% (9 votes)
Inouye, Lorraine R 5% (12 votes)
Kenoi, William P 20% (45 votes)
Masilamoney, Sam 0% (0 votes)

feedback bar
Moore, Jasper M. 1% (3 votes)
Pilago, Angel K. 68% (152 votes)
Riley, Randell A. 2% (4 votes)
feedback bar
Total Votes: 225 so far

Tapout Crew Visits BJ Penn and Hilo – Show Airs Wednesday

The Tapout Crew visited Hilo and BJ Penn’s Academy recently.  The show will be aired Wednesday 7pm on  Vs.

Here is a quick clip from the upcoming episode with BJ in it:

Kona Mayoral Forum Now Online: Video(s) Available

Dave Corrigan has updated his site with the latest mayoral forum from Kailua.

Click Here for the latest videos.  He has put great effort into breaking these videos down so that we can view individual responses.  If you have ever worked with video and computers…. you know the task can be daunting.

I appreciate his hard work and the service he is providing.

Here is a still frame from his blog:

“Dr. Beach” Ranks Hanalei 2nd and Hamoa 7th in Best Beaches 2008

Dr. Beach Ranks Hanalei on Maui 2nd and Hamoa  on Kauai 7th as America’s Best Beaches.

Here is a picture of the good doctor:

Doesn’t look like he’s spent much time at the beaches ;)

Here is Hanalei:

Here is Hamoa:

One might say… Lucky we live in Hawaii, as here is a beach in India:

However, here on the Big Island…. We have our own Garbage Beach Kamilo Beach

American Chemistry Council Calls Hawaii’s New Bag Ban: “Wrong, Wrong, and Wrong”

A statement released by the American Chemistry Council is calling the new Bag Ban here on Hawaii and Maui counties :

“These bans on plastic bags are wrong for the environment, wrong for business, and wrong for consumers…”

…Plastic bags use 70 percent less energy and generate 50 percent less greenhouse gas emissions than paper bags to manufacture.  Also, because paper bags weigh nearly ten times more than plastic bags, the environmental and economic impacts of shipping paper bags to Maui will be significant….

More info here

Timmy Chang Signs on to New CFL Team

The Winnipeg Blue Bombers picked up former UH Star QB Timmy Chang yesterday.