The Brawl at Waikiki Walls: Disturbing

I always try to give my readers something they won’t necessarily see in the mainstream media every once in awhile.  A Brawl broke out on Waikiki (I don’t know when) and these youtube clips were just added to youtube.

Remember, you don’t have to watch.

These will just speak for themselves posted by onelove808:

Part 1.

Part 2.

Part 3.

Blog Gets Into Alltop

I’m honored to get into the “Alltop” Group of Hawaii Blogs.

Thanks Neenz

AIG May Sell It’s Hawaii Unit

I mentioned that the State was probing AIG Here.

I mentioned AIG was hanging by it’s strings Here.

…We also learned today, AIG may sell its Hawaii unit to help pay off an emergency $85-billion dollar federal loan

More Here

Big Island Video News Planning “Huge Update” Sometime Tonight?

I’ve been watching the Big Island Video News Blog on and off today waiting for the “Huge Update” mentioned below:

Big Island Video News is preparing a huge update that will serve the day’s news and video in a new way. Stay tuned… the update is expected to be online by Thursday!

Whatcha got up your sleeves Mr. Corrigan?

Despite GMO Testing on Papayas in Indonesia… Mealy Bug Discovered

GMO testing on Papaya has been happening in Indonesia.

Field Trials with GM Papaya 1991- 2008:

Probably in several Asian countries (China, Thailand, Japan, Indonesia, the Philippines). Here work is in progress on developing GM papayas that are resistant to the viruses prevalent in the region.

Hawaii has the Mealy bug already.

Thanks to efforts by scientists in a Virginia Tech-led program, the papaya mealybug – an emerging threat from India to Indonesia – is being identified and contained. Attacks by the papaya mealybug are a serious threat. In Indonesia, India, countries in the Caribbean and South America, the Hawaiian Islands, and Florida, papaya means millions of dollars for farmers, middlemen, and processors. In West Java, the scourge has wiped out most of the papaya plantations…

Wiped out forest of Papaya trees in Indonesia

Wiped out forest of Papaya trees in Indonesia

…The papaya mealybug is a particularly devastating pest because it is polyphagous – it feeds on many things. The insect’s host range includes more than 60 species of plants: cassava, papaya, beans, eggplant, melons, hisbiscus, plumeria, pepper, sweet potato, tomato, citrus, mango, and sour sop…

More Here

From the Department of Agricultures website:

After a while, the host plants for rearing the mealybug was switched from potato sprouts and sweet potato plants, used by the USDA lab, to papaya plants in an attempt to increase host density and parasitoid production.

So I say that even with GMO Papayas are still just as vulnerable as Non-GMO Papayas to at least the Mealy Bug.  GMO in Hawaii was to help with Ring-Spot disease…what is going to happen when the GMO Papayas here on the island start getting attacked by the Mealy Bugs?

Caption This Keaau Bypass Funnel Picture For the State

Recently, the State gave all of the Advisors for the H-130 Advisory Task Force cameras to take pictures of things on H-130 that were of concern to us.

Yesterday, we received emails that they would like comments on the pictures.  I’ve already commented on most of the pictures but I figure this would be a good way for the public to actually be documented.

What I will do is post the picture here and allow you folks to make comments on the picture… funny captions… etc…  Then after I have received at least 5 or more comments, I’ll set up a poll to see which caption my readers like best and then I will submit this comment for this picture to the State to be documented in the “plan”.

Here is the picture of the Bypass “Squeeze” that I like to call it after Keaau High School so feel free to leave a comment as to what you think would be a good caption for the photo:

Here’s My Caption:

“I wish I was driving that cop car in the intersection… I’d hit the sirens and get through this B***S*** in no time.”

OJ Buddy Kato Kaelin Gives the Weather Report on Local TV: The Video

This is just odd to me:

I don’t know what’s weirder… the video, or the fact that Newscaster Tracy Gladden posted it on her youtube page. ;)

Another Advertiser Gaff…Argh… It Actually Caught Me!

I mentioned earlier about a gaff in another article today.  Well here’s one that actually affected me.

This time the Honolulu Advertiser actually pulled one off on me and got me to call the wrong number!

In today’s paper, they have a story for recruits for the US Census Bureau.  I need a job, I figured I give the number a call:

“… It is necessary to call and reserve a seat for the examination. To reserve a seat, please call 1-886-861-2010…”

So I call the number and it’s just a dead line.  So I’m thinking that’s odd.

So I do just 10 seconds of research and I come to the actual US Census Site and I find this:

“…It’s easy to apply! Call our toll-free Jobs line at 1-866-861-2010 and schedule an appointment to take the employment test. TTY users should call the Federal Relay Service at 1-800-877-8339…”

There is a big difference between a 6 and an 8.

Go figure… The number isn’t a Hawaii number and I’ll have to call back during mainland hours tomorrow.

It’s not like any of the Advertiser readers need a job or anything. ;)

I hope they don’t make a correction on this one…LMAO one less person to compete with…huh?

Today’s KO

This is why you never agitate or wake up a sleeping dog:

Today is World Post Day

Today is World Post Day.  I urge you all to listen to this short message ;)

Another Advertiser Gaff

Yesterday I mentioned about the Lockheed and the Military Looking to Tap into Ocean Thermal Energy:

Today’s Advertiser has a bit more on a local company participating in this.

I just like the little spelling gaff:

Honolulu-based Makai Ocean Engineering will participate in Lockheed Martin’s $1.2 million contract for demonstrating innovating technologies enabling ocean thermal energy conversion.

Locked said it was awarded the contract by the U.S. Department of Energy. Under it the company will demonstrate a coldwater pipe fabrication approach using fiberglass and composite materials…

It’s Lockheed ;) I can’t really blame them, as the probably just cut and pasted it from somewhere else.

Former Hawaii Resident Ace Gordon on “CBS: Survivor”

Ace Gordon

…Over the years, he’s sold cars for Porsche, been a massage therapist and cooked at an eco-resort in Hawaii. Currently, Ace splits his time between working for Cartier and running his own fashion photography studio…

More Here

I can’t believe were already up to episode 3 of this years season and only now I caught wind that Ace Gordon spent time in Hawaii.  I wonder what Island he was on, as there are quite a few eco-resorts here on the Big Island?

I’ve always liked the Survivor series.  I’m still waiting for them to hire some real akamai Hawaiian that can really show people how to “Survive”.

Survivor's 18 new contestants are, from left, Michelle, Charlie Herschel, Gillian Larson, Paloma Soto-Castillo, Corinne Kaplan, Susie Smith, Crystal Cox, Dan Kay, Ken Hoang, Jessica Kiper, Ace Gordon, Jacque Berg, Randy Bailey, Kelly Czarnecki, Marcus Lehman, Danny Brown, Matty Whitmore and Robert Crowley.

Survivor's 18 new contestants are, from left, Michelle, Charlie Herschel, Gillian Larson, Paloma Soto-Castillo, Corinne Kaplan, Susie Smith, Crystal Cox, Dan Kay, Ken Hoang, Jessica Kiper, Ace Gordon, Jacque Berg, Randy Bailey, Kelly Czarnecki, Marcus Lehman, Danny Brown, Matty Whitmore and Robert Crowley.

Hawaii Considering Earlier Date for Digital TV Conversion to Save Petrel Bird

TV stations in Hawaii are in serious discussions to make the digital TV transition on Jan. 15 — more than a month before the rest of the country — partly to avoid disturbance to the nesting habitat of the dark-rumped petrel near existing analog broadcast towers…

…In Hawaii, the bird has made its nesting habitat near the analog TV towers at the mountain summit of Haleakala on the island of Maui…

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