STYX Footage from the Waikoloa

I’ll probably kick myself in the ass for not going to this concert in 10 years ;)

Mother of Suspect Who Killed Hawaii Marine Busted for Hindering

I wrote about the Hawaii Marine that got shot while he was on leave here, and had some interesting comments from the other side of the mainland.

Well it turns out the the mother of the suspect has been charged with hindering in her son’s apprehension.

…Theresa Armbruster, 50, a local resident, is charged with taking her 26-year-old son, Jared Armbruster, from their home to Manville shortly after the Sept. 26 shooting of Lance Cpl. Joseph Patischnock, 21, in the abdomen near Third and Fulton streets, according to an affidavit filed in Superior Court.

Theresa Armbruster also is charged with advising a witness to the shooting to give her son a false alibi, the affidavit says…

More Here

Articulation Agreements… Re: Bishop’s Blog Part II

More from earlier

On a quest to find some of the most recent articulation agreements within the University of Hawaii System, I have come across a couple and would like to quote from them.  If anyone can find any others… I’d be interested in seeing them:

Digital Media Agreement:

The University of Hawai’i is comprised of ten campuses located on four islands in the State of Hawai’i. While each campus has a unique identity and mission, the ten campuses operate as one system.

CENT Agreement:

The University of Hawai’i is comprised of ten campuses located on four islands in the State of Hawai’i. While each campus has a unique identity and mission, the ten campuses operate as one system.

Ukes for Obama Entered Into CNN iReport Campaign 2008 Film Festival

I blogged about the Ukes for Obama about a week ago.

It is now being entered into CNN iReport Campaign 2008 Film Festival.

More Here.

The Recent Property Crimes Between Moiliili and Kapahulu

On tonights KHON2 news, they reported an increase in crimes in the areas between Moiliili and Kapahulu on Oahu.

Thieves have been targeting a section of East Honolulu.

“It’s no surprise to see actually what goes on,” says a McCully resident.

Neighborhoods between Moiliili and Kapahulu have been the hardest hit. A man, who asked that we not identify him, has fallen victim to theft…

…”Property crime unfortunately is a direct correlation between how well the economy is doing and property crimes – its not unusual at all to see when the economy slows down property crimes increase,” says Djou…

Well Mr. Djou, I have another theory.  This area is getting hit harder then usual because the tourism has declined in Waikiki.  So many people on the outskirts who were praying on the tourists previously,  now that tourists have stop coming… people are now preying upon residents of the area.  Which is similar in a sense but I see a direct reflection of lack of tourist to pray upon in waikiki as why this area is now getting harder hit then before.

I used to live in this vacinity and over the last 10 years, the homeless problem has gotten out of control.  Many times I would walk by the Ala Wai Park and see many people conglamorating.  One time I literally overheard one of them talking about jumping a tourist.

I hope Mr. Djou will do something over there on the Honolulu Council to stop this increasing problem.

I’d rather have people jumping tourists, then murdering my neighbors.

Well you know I’d rather not have either ;)

Today’s KO

You might have to watch this one twice to fully appreciate it:

More on Kato Kaelin in Hawaii: “Weenie Man-O-Logs”

Last week I blogged about Kato Kaelin doing the weather report on a local television station.

Starbulletin Columnist John Heckathorn has more on why Kato is actually in town:

…Kaelin is working, in Honolulu. He’s in a show called the “Weenie Man-O-Logs,” which runs Thursday through Sunday at Cirque Hawaii. Originally scheduled for five weeks, the show will have a run that depends on whether it finds a following, said producer Sandy Miano. “It’s really aimed at a sophisticated audience, like Vegas,” she says.

The “Weenie Man-O-Logs” is supposed to be a male version of the Eve Ensler’s Obie Award-winning play, the “Vagina Monologues…”

Here is a clip of the writer as well as Kato explaining what the “Weenie Man-O-Logs” is about: (after :15 second commercial)

Another Reason Why I’m Glad I’m Back Home… Random Murder Across the Street From My Old Residence on Oahu

This Murder and Stabbing that happened the other night was directly across the street from where I lived just 5 months ago.

…The stabbing death of a 27-year-old woman in her family’s McCully apartment early yesterday apparently was a random act committed by an intruder who tried a number of doors in the building until he found theirs unlocked

To think I used to just sleep with our doors open because it was so hot there!

I never met that family across the street, but I had seen them going in and out of their apartment on many occassions.  I’m very saddened by this recent murder.

Blind Man Henry “Hank” Dekker to Start Hawaiian Tour Business for Disabled?

From the New York Times:

…Henry “Hank” Dekker, the former Danbury resident who attracted national attention (in 1983) when he became the first blind man to sail from California to Hawaii without electronic navigational equipment, is starting a Hawaiian tour service for disabled people — possibly the first one in the world, he said.

He hoped his voyage to Hawaii aboard the sloop Dark Star served as an example to handicapped people of what they can accomplish…

Pictures Courtesy of

The Dark Star in 1983

The Dark Star in 1983

Big Island Mayoral Debate October 16th – Public Invited

The public is invited to a debate between mayoral candidates Angel Pilago and Billy Kenoi on Thursday, October 16, starting at 6 pm at Kealakehe High School Cafeteria. The questions asked of the candidates will be intended to help the audience determine which of these men has the background, experience, education, willingness, leadership skills, and capability to lead our county through challenging times. Moderator Sherry Bracken (of Hawaii Public Radio and host of Island Issues on LAVA 105.3 FM and KKOA 107.7 FM) will ask the questions, some of which will be in debate format. The candidates will be given the opportunity to respond to their opponents’ statements and rebut those responses for some of the questions.

Starting at 5pm, the Kealakehe High Culinary Arts students, who won the island competition and went to the state competition last year, will offer their special lasagnas (vegetarian and non-vegetarian), plus foccacia bread – proceeds will go into a nonprofit fund to send them to the state competition again. They’ll also sell water. Helpful, but not mandatory: please let them know if you plan to eat by calling Kona Kohala Chamber of Commerce, 329-1758. For those not able to be part of the live audience, the debate will also air live islandwide on LAVA 105.3 FM and online at starting at 6 p.m.

Following the Mayor Debate, there will be a review of the reasons to vote for or against having a Constitutional Convention, an item on the November 4 ballot. Mark Spengler from Kona-Kohala Chamber of Commerce will be speaking for the initiative. Florence Kong Kee of Hawaii Alliance, an organization created to defeat the Constitutional Convention question, will speak against the initiative. The Con Con review will last from 7:35 p.m. until 8. Following the forum, both Mayor candidates will be available for informal talk story with audience members.

Na Leo O Hawaii and Big Island Video News will both film the debate.

It will be available on public access television within a week of the event. It will also be available online after the forum at

This forum is sponsored by Kona-Kohala Chamber of Commerce, Kona Outdoor Circle, PATH, Hawaii Island Board of Realtors, and Kona Board of Realtors.

Please direct any questions to Kona-Kohala Chamber of Commerce,

329-1758 or via email to

New Puna Parks to be Blessed on Wednesday, October 15th

Two new parks have been established here in Puna, thanks in part to the hard work of Emily Naeole and her Aide Tiffany Edwards Hunt they will have their official Blessings this coming Wednesday, October 15th.

The public is invited to attend these events on Wednesday:

Hawaiian Beaches Park at 10:00 AM


Pahoa Town Park next to the Skatepark at 1:00 PM.

Tiffany also mentioned the Steak and Lobster would be on her… just kidding ;)

Pahoa Graduate in Army Crowned Heavyweight Champion in Army Combatives Championship Tournament

Hat tip to the Starbulletin:

Sgt. Brandon Sayles, 24, left and Sgt. Steven Glatfelter, 27, leave a home with 1st Platoon, Alpha Troop, 3rd Squadron, 1st Cavalry Regiment, 3d Infantry Division as they search for clues about a roadside bomb attack in the village of Al Majahreen, 25 miles (40 kilometers) east of Baghdad, Iraq, Sunday, April 22, 2007. The 3rd Brigade of the 3rd Infantry Division is back in Iraq for the third time since rolling into Baghdad in 2003.

Sgt. Brandon Sayles, 24, left and Sgt. Steven Glatfelter, 27, leave a home with 1st Platoon, Alpha Troop, 3rd Squadron, 1st Cavalry Regiment, 3d Infantry Division as they search for clues about a roadside bomb attack in the village of Al Majahreen, 25 miles (40 kilometers) east of Baghdad, Iraq, Sunday, April 22, 2007. The 3rd Brigade of the 3rd Infantry Division is back in Iraq for the third time since rolling into Baghdad in 2003.

…Sgt. Brandon Sayles, a 2000 Pahoa High School graduate, was crowned heavyweight champion for the second time Oct. 5 at the fourth annual Army Combatives Championship Tournament conducted at Fort Benning, Ga. He defeated Staff Sgt. Benzell Vereen, of Fort Sill, Okla., for the 2008 heavyweight crown. Sayles, who is from Puna on the Big Island, won the heavyweight title at the 2006 competition, but could not defend his title in 2007 because he was deployed to Iraq. Sayles is assigned to the 3rd Brigade, 3rd Infantry Division. He joined the Army in 2002 and was deployed to Iraq in 2005 and in 2007…

Gathering of Angel’s

In Support of the Community Colleges – Re: Bishop’s Latest Blog

Hunter Bishop recently made a comment to address some of the concerns about the blog he posted regarding Angel Pilago’s education.

In it he writes:

…But are the community colleges and university equal in stature and institutional status? Hardly. Tuition is higher at UH, courses are different and less rigorous or in vocational, not academic fields, and community college courses aren’t always transferable (see Andy Parx’ comment), admissions standards are not as high at the community colleges, the professors and instructors are not the same as at the university, admission records are kept separately, and one is called a university with four years of study required to graduate while the other is called a community college and requires two years of study for a degree…

This statement I cannot just let sit easily as I don’t believe it holds much truth.

My reply:


When you graduate from any college at the UH System… the Diploma that you receive, all come in the Same Hard Cover that you can see here:

I don’t know how long ago Hunter attended a Community College or UH here in Hawaii, but I can attest as being a student at both HawCC and UH of Manoa, that HawCC classes were much more difficult.  Once I got my Associates Degree I was able to transfer to UH Manoa or UH Hilo as a junior standing per the articulation agreements that agreed that course work within the Community Colleges would be deemed equal to that of the four year institutes.

You suggest that the teachers at Community Colleges are not at par with 4 year schools is also BS.  Most of my professors at HawCC were far superior then many of my professors at UH Manoa.  I learned far more at my time at HawCC then I ever did at UH Manoa.  At UH Manoa, many of my classes were taught by Grad Students who I felt I had much more knowledge in many subjects.

I was one of those who chose not to go to college directly out of High School and therefor never took things like the SAT test.  When I wanted to go back to college, the Community College opened a door for me that would not have been available at the four year institution.

Despite admission requirements, I can honestly tell you that most of the students that I dealt with at HawCC… Were far more mature then those kids at UH Manoa.

And that whole vocational response… In my entire time spent at HawCC, I didn’t take any “Vocational” classes.

Hunter, I don’t care whether you apologize to Mr. Pilago or to Mr. Rob Tucker,  But I do feel you owe an apology to the Staff, Faculty, Alumni and Current Students that work at or attend these Community Colleges.

Your statements are quite hurtful.

Damon Tucker
Hawaii Community College, AS Liberal Arts
University of Hawaii Manoa, BA Communication