Interesting Comment by Police on Recent Taser Incident

I blogged about the officers getting suspended the other day for using their tasers.

In today’s Starbulletin Police Maj. Alan Bluemke had this interesting comment that ended the article:

…However, police Chief Boisse Correa used his discretion to suspend police authority for the officers “in relation to this particular case,” Bluemke said. He declined further comment on the case pending the investigation.

So once again, I hope soon enough the public will be granted access to these taser videos that were paid for by our tax dollars so that we can see exactly what happened.

Hawaii Ending Universal Child Health Care

Hawaii is dropping the only state universal child health care program in the country just seven months after it launched…

…State officials said Thursday they will stop giving health coverage to the 2,000 children enrolled by Nov. 1, but private partner Hawaii Medical Service Association will pay to extend their coverage through the end of the year without government support…

More Here


HMSA version:

The Hawaii Medical Service Association (HMSA) today announced it will continue to provide the HMSA Keiki Care Plan at no cost to parents through the end of the year. HMSA and the state had been sharing the cost of the plan’s monthly dues since April 2008. Yesterday, the state notified HMSA it was withdrawing its funding for the plan, effective Nov. 1.

“We’re disappointed in the state’s decision, but we feel we have an obligation to the children and their families,” said HMSA Senior Vice President Cliff Cisco. “Parents with children currently enrolled in the HMSA Keiki Care Plan can rest assured that we will continue the plan without changes at least through the end of the year.”

HMSA will be meeting with its community board of directors next week to discuss the issue and seek recommendations on the future of the plan. “If there are going to be changes to the plan for 2009, we will share that information with parents and the public as soon as we can,” said Cisco.

There are currently 2,000 children enrolled in the HMSA Keiki Care Plan, a plan that was created for children in Hawaii who had no health coverage for six months or more and were ineligible for any other state or federal health program. HMSA has been funding the plan with money from the HMSA reserve, not member and employer dues.

HMSA is an independent licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association.

AKIMEKA Receives Another Military Contract

I blogged about AKIMEKA, TMT and Adaptive Optics here and mentioned the contract that AKIMEKA got a few days ago.

Well it looks like AKIMEKA has received another large contract:

A Frederick-based firm, in partnership with a Hawaiian company, has been awarded an $80 million, five-year contract with USAMRIID at Fort Detrick.Clinical Research Management, based at 411 Aviation Way, will provide support and research services. The local office has a staff of five, said Caylee Ortega, director of business development

The partner, Akimeka Technologies, based in Honolulu, was named the fastest-growing small business in Hawaii by Pacific Business News. The firm had revenue growth of nearly 2,500 percent from 2005 to 2007.

21st Century Agent Behind Hawaii Reporter Letter Against Pilago… Offers Me Money For My Time

The Hawaii Reporter recently published a letter that was full of false allegations against Pilago.

Aaron Stene of the Konablog followed up in the Hawaii Reporter with a letter of his own here.

I’ve always said Payback is a b****

I guess Real Estate must be down on the Islands because Mr. Lee has sent me numerous emails through out the day requesting my position on Pilago.  I’ve repeatedly told him that I’m not going to answer his nonsense.

I just recently got a letter that just cracked me up from the fellow that included some of the following (My thoughts in Red):

“First, thanks for the heads-up and not taking my statements out of  context.  I expected to be made to look bad, and I sincerely appreciate the accuracy.
However, I’m disappointed that you took what most people would assume was a private conversation between the two of us and put it on your blog without telling me first.  I believe your actions show a real lack of class and journalistic integrity…”

Damon – I’m not a journalist, and if you had reported on Pilago correctly, then I wouldn’t have had to email to ask you of your opinions.  If you didn’t want to be contacted about the situation or the facts of what you wrote in the Hawaii Reporter, then you should have made sure your facts were correct to begin with.

“…Regardless, I have taken much of my valuable time to address your concerns.  I believe it would be only fair for you to answer my short and very relevant questions.  I’m quite curious about where you see
our island going and I am willing to pay whatever your hourly wage is plus travel expenses for an hour or so of your time…”

Damon – I’m not a Kenoi supporter… I can’t be bought.  (Got a $1,000.00) ;)

Mr. Lee … You probably wouldn’t have pissed me off had you not said this to me:

“…Now I see your problem, you seem to place more value in traditions and what was here first than what is most practical…”

So Mr. Lee… If it’s my problem… you are welcome to address it on my blog where I can at least defend your false accusations.

However, I suggest you doing it off your company hours and not trying to represent 21st Century in your support of Kenoi.

Doomsday Man Caught on Tape!

Big Island Video News has done it again!

Check it out… the man who is trying to stop the Hydron Collider himself Walter Wagner.

Andy Martin is Saying What on Oahu?

For those that don’t know, Andy Martin is the guy that was also linked locally to Hawaii Free Press Editor Andrew Walden by Hunter Bishop on the smear piece of Obama that eventually made the Washington Post.

Andy Martin has a blog, and in it today he states:


…First the good news. Our new fighting camp in Honolulu is fully operational. We have set up our communications, computers, printers and everything else within 24 hours of arrival. We are already out in the field doing our Obama research…

…Then, horrors!, two losers from the (Somewhere) Daily Herald wrote that I was not a “journalist.” As though I need to be lectured by a third-rate daily in the burbs, they’re right. If by “journalist” you mean someone who is cowering in fear of losing his ‘dead tree’ media job, while waiting to answer a police call on a turned-over truck, no, I am not a journalist. But I have been breaking major investigative stories since the 1960’s, and irritating people in power from presidents on down. Not bad work if you can get it…

More on this Kook’s blog today here.

Well Mr. Martin… trust me… the local media does know you’re here.  I just don’t think they give a rat’s ass about some smear monger that spreads lies.

Today’s KO

Why I don’t trust people who drive on the left hand side of the road in foreign countries:

More TMT Articles

The Big Island Weekly has two must read articles:

Two sides to TMT project


The perfect spot – or not?

Pilago vs. Kenoi DEBATE TONIGHT

Thursday, October 16, Kealakehe High School, 6 p.m., for a
moderated  mayoral candidate forum between Angel Pilago and Billy Kenoi.
The event  begins at 5 p.m. with the award-winning culinary class from
Kealakehe High  selling lasagna (both vegetarian and regular) as a
fund raiser to go to  state and national competitions.  Not mandatory, but
if you plan to  eat please let the Kona Kohala Chamber know at 329-1758.
The students have  promised to have ample supplies of lasagna.  They will
also sell  water.
The forum will air live on LAVA 105.3 FM islandwide and  also online from 6 pm til 7:30 for those who cannot attend  in person.
Following our debate, there will be a discussion of one ballot  issue,
whether to have or not have a Constitutional Convention starting at  7:35
pm.  The forum is pau at 8 p.m.
As a reminder, the forum  organizers (Kona-Kohala Chamber of Commerce, Kona, Outdoor Circle, PATH,  Kona Board of Realtors, Hawaii Island Board of
) request no  campaign signs at the forum.  However, feel free to
wear campaign  attire.  You may direct questions about the forum to our
campaign  office or to Kona-Kohala Chamber at 329-1758 or email

Census Test 101

*Update* I got the Job Nearly 5 months later  (See Here)

So I took the Census test today.

There was about 40 people at the 10:00 showing with 12:00 and 2:00 testing times still to come.

It consisted of 28 questions.  Get this…you had to pass 10 of them to “Pass”.

The lady from California administering the tests graded them on the spot.  You had 30 minutes to complete the test.

I got 27 of 28 correct.  Keep your fingers crossed.  She did say that the top scores were typically chosen. ;)

Today’s Idiotic Kenoi Supporter Statement of the Day

It always makes me laugh when I hear something stupid like:

…I am also not involved in Billy Kenoi’s campaign other than to tell people he is a much better choice than Angel Pilago.  Just look at the people around them, Billy hangs out with the Chamber of Commerce and I heard that Pilago hired Kristine Kubat, formerly of Big Island weekly. Given those options, I trust Robert Williams to make decisions impacting our county… Aaron Lee

I might follow up on this a bit further later today when I have time.