VP Biden and President Obama: Talking Jobs with Americas Mayors

Vice President Biden and President Obama speak to the U.S. Conference of Mayors about sustaining economic growth and creating new jobs in communities large and small. January 21, 2010.

Teach for America – Hawaii

Civil Unions bill Passes Hawaii Senate With a Super Majority of 18 out of 25

As Tweeted by Senator J. Kalani English:

  1. Civil Unions bill passes Hawaiian Senate with a super majority of 18 out of 25. half a minute ago from Echofon
  2. We are voting right now on civil unions bill. Each Senator is called by name; we must vote, yes or no. We are at the moment of truth! 2 minutes ago from Echofon

  3. We are at the edge of history as the Hawaiian Senate votes on civil unions now. 3 minutes ago from Echofon

  4. We will vote very soon on civil unions! 7 minutes ago from Echofon

Mayor Kenoi Greets President Obama at 78th Winter Meeting of the US Conference of Mayors

Yesterday I blogged about Mayor Kenoi being in Washington DC for the 78th Winter Meeting of the US Conference of Mayors. Well it looks like he got to meet the man himself:

Photos from the 78th Winter Meeting of the US Conference of Mayors

Tonight: Rage 4 Haiti

Funny Friday – Volcom Pigeon

Learn how to speak pidgin with the Volcom Pigeon as he talks story about creedling around town. Featuring the Volcom Pigeon, Sista, Haole Tourists, Bruce Irons and the Kanaka’s. Animated in Hawaii by DrewtoonZ.

Feral Friday