New County of Hawai‘i Remote Testimony Site to Open Next Week in Ka‘ū.

A new County of Hawai ‘i remote testimony site will open next week in Ka‘ū. For the first time, residents will be able to provide their testimony at the Hawaiian Ocean View Community Center ( 92-8924 Leilani Circle , Ocean View, Hawai‘i, 96737).

Hawaiian Ocean View Community Center

Councilmember Smart proudly states, “I am very pleased that the Ka‘ū testimony site is now available. It is extremely import for the people to participate in local government. The Ka‘ū region is underserved by County of Hawai ‘i services and this is one small step in the right direction.”

According to County Clerk Jamae Kawauchi, “We have all been working diligently to get the remote testimony site in Ka‘ū established so that the public can participate in council and committee meetings. We are very hopeful that things will run smoothly on this test project and are proud to bring it to fruition.”

“Councilmember Smart worked extremely hard to provide her district the opportunity to conveniently participate in government. The Council is pleased to support her vision and leadership,” said Council Chairman Dominic Yagong.

All are encouraged to attend these meetings and have their voices heard. The meetings begin at 9:00AM. Please view the following link to read the Committee meeting agendas for Tuesday, Nov. 20th, 2012: The Council agenda for the Wednesday, November 21, 2012 meeting, as well as information on how to submit testimony can be viewed at: For more information, please contact Jen at (808) 961-8536, or email

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