Governor Abercrombie’s Statement Regarding the Public Land Development Corporation

In November, Gov. Neil Abercrombie deferred action on pending administrative rules of the Public Land Development Corporation (PLDC) to fully consider and address public concerns about the agency. Gov. Abercrombie directed the state Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR), to which the PLDC is administratively attached, to facilitate the meetings with stakeholders.

abercrombieheaderGov. Abercrombie today stated:

“With many others, I believe in the legislative intent of Act 55, which has the potential to support using public lands for public purposes that otherwise will not have sufficient funding. 

“However, after reviewing the information compiled by the DLNR and suggested rule and regulation proposals, I believe the administrative rules process may not be able to reconcile existing support with opposing views to the extent necessary to satisfy outstanding concerns.

“The Hawaii State Legislature may need to adjust Act 55 so that its good intention can be implemented appropriate to the goals of this law.  Public understanding and support are essential. If the Legislature cannot achieve this outcome, the possibility of repeal will ensue. I will take that outcome into consideration but we cannot walk away, should that occur, without a solution that moves us forward. 

“As always, we will continue to work closely with the Legislature. We need to work together to achieve what is best for Hawaii.”



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