Why Doesn’t the Media Pick Up More On the Big Island Missing People?

There has been so much discussion about the two missing Maui women… that I wonder why all the missing people on the Big Island aren’t getting more attention?

I sympathize for the Maui families involved… but here on the Big Island… it seems to be an epidemic!

Philip Voelker

Philip Voelker

Missing since November of 2013

Jonathan Riveira

Jonathan Riveira

Missing since January 12, 2014

Robert Keawe Lopaka Ryder

Robert Keawe Lopaka Ryder

Missing since Thanksgiving, 2013

Malia Pelekane

Malia Pelekane

Missing since January 11, 2014

Addie Cragg

Addie Cragg

Missing since August 16, 2013

John Spillane aka Kevin Devlin

John Spillane aka Kevin Devlin

Missing since May 13, 2013

Kevin Anderson

Kevin Anderson

Missing since July 18, 2013

Missing Since February 13, 2013

Chance Gorelangton-Kuanoni

Chance Gorelangton-Kuanoni

Missing since December 2012

Charlierose Rodrigues-Kihe

Charlierose Rodrigues-Kihe

Missing Since December 7, 2012

Marlo Moku

Marlo Moku

Missing Since June 2009

John Eckert

John Eckert

Missing since January 13, 2012

John Hamrick

John Hamrick

Missing Since December 2012

Pat Enos

Pat Enos

Missing Since October 13, 2012

Sabrina Nakaima

Missing since October 24, 2012

Jonah Farmer

Missing since November 10, 2012

Benson Maddison

Missing since August 27, 2012

Chelsey Olival

Missing since August 2012

Briane Castro-Ah Nee

Missing since September 2012

Sean Ryan

Missing since August 2007

Mary Evelyn Pung

Missing since August 7, 2012

Richard Dayle Ainslie

Missing since May, 2012

Tearon T. Pacheco-Fernandez

Missing since April 30, 2012

Abcidy Santos

Missing since February 8, 2012

Zachary Akima

Missing since March 3, 2012

Maria Akima

Missing since March 2, 2012

Charren Kaeo Ornellas

Missing Since Thursday 3/29/12

Tori Bowen

Missing Since August 2011

Kiana Kekahuna-Foster

Missing Since November 2011

Robert Manuel De Castro

Missing since December 2011

Austin Imholt

Missing Since October 2011

Wayne Huihui

Missing Since January 31, 2012

Adam Yarbro

Missing Since September 2010

Fran Uilani Kaniho

Missing Since 1988

Robert Dalpe

Missing Since 2011

Naomi Sanders

Missing Since June 6, 2011

Michelle Gloria Adam

Michelle Gloria Adam

Missing since June 13,1998

Annad Arkangel

Annad Arkangel

Missing Since August 15, 2008

Samuel Wheaton Bower

Samuel Wheaton Bower

Missing since December 2, 2009

Kimberly Ann Cardarella

Kimberly Ann Cardarella

Missing since August 1, 2007

Joshua Scott Curry

Joshua Scott Curry

Missing since November 25, 1994

Leslie DeloSantos

Leslie DeloSantos

Missing since January 2, 2007

Daniel Patrick DeSimone

Daniel Patrick DeSimone

Missing since April 15, 2009

Michaela Anthony Elenes

Michaela Anthony Elenes

Missing since March 25, 2004

Willie Dennis Eriksson

Willie Dennis Eriksson

Missing since November 7, 2007

Jason Roy Henderson

Jason Roy Henderson

Missing since August 14, 2002

Jeffrey Allen Henderson

Jeffrey Allen Henderson

Missing since August 13, 2001

Twila Star Houston

Twila Star Houston

Missing since May 2002

Peter J. Kema Jr. (Aged timeline)

Peter J. Kema Jr. (Aged timeline)

Missing since September 11, 1997

Patricia Alene Kenny

Patricia Alene Kenny

Missing since August 30, 2008

Timothy Joseph Lynch

Timothy Joseph Lynch

Missing since June 6, 2003

Mia Yokohama McDonald

Mia Yokohama McDonald

Missing since February 8, 2001

Sophie B. Moon

Sophie B. Moon

Missing since May 11, 2008

Francesca Anna-Marie O'brien

Francesca Anna-Marie O’brien

Missing since August 11, 2004

Roselyn Pawai

Roselyn Pawai

Missing since March 4, 1999

John Cameron Reece

John Cameron Reece

Missing since November 25, 1999

Hank Roberts Sr.

Hank Roberts Sr.

Missing since March 18, 2004

Bob Sabaratnam

Bob Sabaratnam

Missing since November 27, 1998

Masaki Sonomura

Masaki Sonomura

Missing since January 31, 2000

William Dwight West

William Dwight West

Missing since November 23, 2004

5 Responses

  1. Joe – True. We are one of the “outer islands”… in the middle of the huge Pacific. Still, does seem a little creepy. And, lets not even start with all the “Chicken Skin Stories” you hear living on this island drenched in history and mystery.

  2. A correction please. I didn’t get Joshua Scott Curry’s name correct and I apologize to his parents and loved ones for this mistake.
    Bob Jacobson

  3. Aloha
    The police like missing people reports and hate investigating murders. Murders mess up their record and interferes with business as usual. Most of these cases probably are murders. Certainly the Jason Scott case is a murder. If you contact family members of any of these victims most will recognize these losses as murders not runaways.

    As a nurse I also got to see that another cop-out for the police and prosecutors are the unattended death reports. Most of these that occur at homes are never properly investigated. A solid percentage of these are murders when looked at more closely by investigators. Of course most of these are illlnesses or suicides.

    The Mathison murder of a wife by a cop was only going to be a traffic accident if Friends of Justice hadn’t intervened. Our true murder rate is probably several times what we currently report.

    Another version of the same game is played by the Deptartment of Transportation is refusing to recognize traffic deaths as such on private subdivision roads.Poor people just don’t seem to rate as humans to some of our officials.
    a hui hou
    Councilmember Bob Jacobson Puna/Kau/Soutrh Kona 2002-2008

  4. So many cases here are teenagers or young adults who go off for a few days. They are found and returned, show up at home or a relatives place later. The usual family dramas, messed up relationships, just life. These mundane cases happen constantly and cloud the more serious cases.

    Who is really missing? Who just does not want to be found? How does the media, or the police, know what is going on without something like a burned out car to add drama?

  5. Sympathy for the Maui people like you said. I think it might be that our part of the ocean takes people out to sea with no recovery…no conclusion. Mainstream media IMO has an image of Hawaii being Honolulu & Maui alone…Kauai? Molokai? Big Island? What are those?

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