Senator Schatz Introduces Bills to Create Jobs and Grow Hawai‘i’s Economy

Yesterday, U.S. Senator Brian Schatz introduced two bills that will create high-quality jobs in Hawai‘i and promote American manufacturing as part of a collaborative “Make it in America” initiative with Senator Chris Coons (D-DE) and other Senate colleagues.

Sen. Brian Schatz

Sen. Brian Schatz

  • The SelectUSA Authorization Act would help businesses tap into the investment needed to expand and create jobs, spur economic growth and promote American competitiveness. A companion bill in the House has been introduced by Representative Raul Ruiz (D-CA).
  • The Native Small Business Conformity Act, introduced by Senators Schatz and Hirono, would enhance opportunities for Native Hawaiian Organizations to engage in federal contracting as other Native owned small business firms do.

In the coming weeks, Senator Schatz will also be introducing two additional bills to promote trade and incentivize energy efficiency in manufacturing.  The American Export Promotion Act, which accompanies legislation introduced in the House by Representative Pete Gallego (D-TX), would boost exports of Hawai‘i’s unique products and help small businesses access global markets. He will also be working with Senate colleagues to introduce the Expanding Industrial Energy and Water Efficiency Incentives Act, which would offer targeted incentives to promote energy efficiency improvements in industrial and manufacturing facilities and make American industry more competitive.

“These policies will help create good jobs in Hawai‘i and help Hawai‘i businesses grow,” said U.S. Senator Brian Schatz.  “New clean energy incentives, opportunities for Native Hawaiian small businesses, increasing Hawaii’s exports, and promoting foreign investment in our businesses are all part of a dynamic economy here in Hawai‘i.”

On SelectUSA Authorization Act of 2013:

“The Chamber of Commerce of Hawaii supports the SelectUSA bill to provide funding in support of the organization’s efforts to showcase the Unites States as the world’s premier business location, and increase both foreign and domestic investment in U.S. business. This bill, if enacted, will enable SelectUSA to hold future conferences, including one with an Asia-Pacific focus, which, because of Hawaii’s strategic mid-Pacific location, would greatly benefit our local economy and businesses in the state, and is why the Chamber is proud to represent Hawaii at the inaugural SelectUSA Investment Summit.”
-Sherry Menor-McNamara, Hawaii Chamber of Commerce

American Export Promotion Act of 2013:

“As the sole representative to the National Association of Manufacturers for the State of Hawaii, The Chamber of Commerce of Hawaii supports the American Export Promotion Act. We believe that Hawaii businesses could benefit from this legislation, which will help small and medium-sized businesses export their products across the globe. The Act’s promotion of American exports and advocating for small businesses and American jobs is good for Hawaii, and clearly ties in to the Chamber’s manufacturing in Hawaii initiative, which is designed to help the industry grow in the state.”
-Sherry Menor-McNamara, Hawaii Chamber of Commerce

“The American Export Promotion Act appears to be a vital step in supporting this essential effort for our economy. I feel strongly that Hawaii Small Businesses would benefit from the technical assistance that could be provided by the Hawaii SBDC to support development of plans to export, particularly to the Asia and Pacific Region.”
-Cathy Wiltse, Hawaii Small Business Development Center

On Native Small Business Conformity Act of 2013:

“The Native Hawaiian Organizations Association supports the Native Small Business Conformity Act of 2013, introduced by Senator Brian Schatz, which seeks to create opportunities for job growth in America. Though small in number, our companies have successfully created thousands of jobs while simultaneously contributing millions of dollars to support community-based non-profit organizations in areas including education, health, economic development, and culture.  This bill will allow us to advance our efforts by increasing business opportunities, creating jobs in Hawaii, and providing the resources to help us fulfill our mission to improve the socio-economic status of the Native Hawaiian community.”
-Ron Jarrett, President, Native Hawaiian Organizations Association

“NACA applauds the introduction of the Native Small Business Conformity Act, an initiative which will allow Native American, Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian community-owned businesses to continue to thrive and grow in today’s federal marketplace. We look forward to the favorable review of the bill, which is based on the federal trust responsibility for Native Americans. The advancement of this responsibility allows our communities to further our self-sufficiency and spur economic development across our nation.”
-Kevin Allis, Executive Director, Native American Contractors Association

Senator Brian Schatz on Ted Cruz All Night Grandstanding Effort on Senate Floor – “He Recklessly Wasted Valuable Time…”

Brian Schatz

Aloha —

They’ve really done it this time: Ted Cruz spent all night grandstanding on the Senate floor in an effort to abolish President Obama’s landmark healthcare legislation. He recklessly wasted valuable time holding up real debate and votes on the budget, bringing us even closer to a potential government shutdown.

Cruz’s threats are real – if we don’t pass a budget in the next few days, the government will shut down. Cruz and his Tea Party colleagues would rather send employees home without pay, send the economy into a tailspin, and delay essential public services than fund Obamacare.

We need to show Ted Cruz and his allies that strong progressives like you and me are willing to fight for better health care for middle-class families.

Obamacare is already providing better health care coverage at lower costs for millions of Americans — and it will work even better when the new health care exchanges open on October 1.

But extremists in the House and Senate — led by Texas tea party Senator Ted Cruz — want to kick millions of people off of their health plans, make seniors pay more for essential medications, and end preventive screenings for Medicare recipients.

That’s why my campaign for U.S. Senate is more important than ever. I’ve always stood up for — and will continue leading the fight for — Obamacare, Social Security, and other vital programs that support Hawaii families.

Seeing these values threatened last night and this morning — and seeing how Cruz and his allies are willing to recklessly waste valuable time to grandstand against the health of everyday families — makes me even more motivated to keep fighting for middle-class values.

I’ve got to stay in the Senate to stop people like Ted Cruz and his right-wing corporate cronies from taking away Obamacare.

We can’t let them him get away with this.


Brian Schatz
U.S. Senator 


Monsanto Protection Act Removed From Senate CR

Today, U.S. Senator Brian Schatz released the following statement on the elimination of what is known as the “Monsanto Protection Act” from the Senate version of the short-term appropriations bill, the Continuing Resolution.

Brian Schatz
“The Monsanto Protection Act is bad policy for the country and the State of Hawai‘i,” said U.S. Senator Brian Schatz. “The Senate version of the Continuing Resolution does not include this provision, effectively repealing the Monsanto Protection Act. This provision took the ability of the Secretary of Agriculture to fully exercise his regulatory power over GMOs, and compromised the role of our courts as a check on the legislative and executive systems, making it significantly more difficult for concerned citizens to present their case.

“I strongly urge the House not to sneak the Monsanto Protection Act back into the final version of the appropriations bill. However, if it is slipped back in, rather than letting the issue be deliberated with full transparency and public input, I will immediately introduce legislation to repeal it.”

U.S. Senator Jon Tester from Montana led the charge in getting the Senate to remove the Monsanto Protection Act from the Continuing Resolution.

“Stripping the Monsanto Protection Act is a victory for American consumers and family farm agriculture,” said U.S. Senator Jon Tester.  “Corporate giveaways have no business in a bill to fund the government, and I’m pleased that the Senate stood up for accountability and transparency and against special interests.  I look forward to continuing to work with Senator Schatz to make sure that this damaging provision never again makes it into law.”


U.S. Department of Transportation Releases $236,277,358 in Federal Funds for Honolulu Rail Project

Today, Senator Schatz announced the release $236,277,358  in federal funds for the Honolulu Rail Transit project.  This U.S. Department of Transportation funding will be used to continue building Hawai‘i’s first light rail system.

The very first Honolulu Rail Column 45 (Copyright Iopa Maunakea use with permission only)

The very first Honolulu Rail Column (Copyright Iopa Maunakea use with permission only)

“Federal funding for the rail project continues to flow and we continue to receive assurance from the DOT and the FTA that it is full speed ahead,” said Senator Brian Schatz. “After 40 years in the making, the rail project is now quickly progressing and I will continue to work towards making a rail system in Hawai‘i a reality.”

Senator Schatz serves on the Surface Transportation Subcommittee of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation. Earlier this year, Senator Schatz met with Department of Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx and Federal Transit Administrator Pete Rogoff to receive their commitment to defend Honolulu rail transit’s funding.


Senator Brian Schatz on Layoffs at the Tesoro Hawaii Refinery

Tesoro HawaiiMonday, Senator Brian Schatz released the following statement regarding the layoffs at the Tesoro refinery:

“My office has been in constant communication with the Tesoro companies and is working with the relevant state agencies to ensure that unemployment assistance, job placement and other help be provided to the workers that may be laid off. In addition, we are coordinating our efforts with the refinery task force to ensure that there is no disruption in fuel supply in the state of Hawaii, and we are confident for the purposes of Hawaii’s economy and the needs of the Department of Defense that fuel will continue to be available.  Our main concern is with the workers and their families, and we will do whatever we can to help them to land on their feet.”


Coast Guard Conducts Harbor Tour with Sen. Brian Schatz

Hawaii Senator Brian Schatz met with the U.S. Coast Guard on Oahu and conducted a tour of Honolulu Harbor aboard one of the Coast Guard’s newest vessels, Tuesday.

U.S. Coast Guard photo by Chief Petty Officer Kurt Fredrickson

U.S. Coast Guard photo by Chief Petty Officer Kurt Fredrickson

Rear Adm. Charles W. Ray, 14th Coast Guard District commander, hosted the tour and provided Schatz an up close look at Coast Guard operations in and around the Port of Honolulu. It was also an opportunity for Schatz to learn more about the role of the Coast Guard in the Hawaiian Islands and throughout the Pacific.

U.S. Coast Guard photo by Chief Petty Officer Kurt Fredrickson

U.S. Coast Guard photo by Chief Petty Officer Kurt Fredrickson

Schatz was given the opportunity to pilot the 45-foot Response Boat-Medium, under the instruction of crewmembers from Station Honolulu. The RB-M is one of the Coast Guard’s newest assets with an improved design, new ergonomics, and enhanced safety features, making boat crews more effective in performing their various missions.

U.S. Coast Guard photo by Chief Petty Officer Kurt Fredrickson

U.S. Coast Guard photo by Chief Petty Officer Kurt Fredrickson

Shan Tsutsui Accepts Lieutenant Governor Position

Gov. Neil Abercrombie today announced that former state Senate President Shan S. Tsutsui has accepted the position of Lieutenant Governor of Hawaii, effective immediately under the order of succession. The office was vacated yesterday by the appointment of former Lt. Gov. Brian Schatz to the U.S. Senate.

Shan S. Tsutsui

“Shan’s acceptance reflects this administration’s commitment to represent all the people of Hawaii as a statewide community, not one that is Oahu-centric,”said Gov. Abercrombie. “As demonstrated during his time in the Legislature and most recently as Senate President, Shan is extremely effective in bringing various parties together to benefit all the people of Hawaii.”

“The decision to leave the state Senate was not a choice I made lightly, but I am eager to make a meaningful contribution to the future of Hawaii as Lt. Governor,”Tsutsui said. “There is much work to be done in the Senate, but I have full confidence in my colleagues at the Legislature. I look forward to working with them this session in my new role.”

Plans are underway to establish an additional Office of the Lt. Governor on Maui, expanding the office’s reach and accessibility to all island communities. The Office of the Lt. Governor will continue to conduct business in the State Capitol in Honolulu.

“In the past, Neighbor Island elected officials might have thought they had to move to Honolulu in order to serve,”Gov. Abercrombie said. “In my view, this may no longer be necessary, especially as technology brings us closer together and the state’s IT transformation plan affords greater opportunities to conduct state business from all islands.”

Tsutsui served as the 12th Senate President of Hawaii. He is the first Senate President from Maui as well as the youngest. Elected to the Senate in 2002 to represent Hawaii’s 4th senatorial district, his previous leadership positions included the Vice Chair of Ways and Means and Majority Caucus Leader.

Tsutsui graduated from Maui High School in 1989 and earned his bachelor’s degree in economics from the University of Hawaii in 1994. He and his wife, Lyndelle Lee Tsutsui, reside on Maui with their three daughters, Mikayla, Kaylee and Kenna.


Video: U.S. Senator Mazie Hirono Rallies East Hawaii Voters at Big Island Bus Stop Tour

Big Island of Hawaii’s Democratic contingency took part in an East Hawaii Bus Stop tour today starting at Laupahoehoe Community Charter School and ending at Auntie Sally’s Luau in Hilo today.

I took the following pictures at HAAS Community Charter School in Pahoa today on their third stop of the tour.

Unfortunately Governor Abercrombie and Democratic Candidate Tulsi Gabbard were unable to make the event, however, U.S. Senator Mazie Hirono had this to say at the rally:

Wordless Wednesday – Lt. Governor Brian Schatz and Mayor Kenoi on the Big Island Today

This morning I noticed the following tweet from Lt. Governor Brian Schatz:

On Hawaii Island to meet with @MayorKenoi and talk clean energy. And pick up some aloha shirts, of course.

Mayor Kenoi just posted the following pictures on his facebook page:

"Meeting with Lt. Gov. Brian Schatz and his senior advisor Dale Hahn this morning about clean energy on our island!"

Lt. Governor Schatz later tweeted, “Had a great meeting with Mayor Kenoi on clean energy. Big Island has enormous potential if we work together.”

"Had a good meeting with Lt. Gov. Brian Schatz about working to power our island with renewable sources of energy! Mahalo!"

Lt. Governor Brian Schatz – “Setting a New Course”

I have had the honor of serving as your Lieutenant Governor for the past year, and I am pleased to report that it has been a productive year for my office. We have memorialized our major activities and initiatives in an Annual Report which I would like to share with you today.

Click to read the report

The Lieutenant Governor of the State of Hawai‘i has essentially two legal mandates in the operation of his or her office.  The first is to serve as the assistant chief executive, becoming Acting Governor upon the Governor’s absence from the state.  The second, as the legally designated Secretary of State, is to manage specific services for the public.

When this administration took office in December of 2010, Governor Abercrombie asked that I assume additional responsibilities in the form of special projects and initiatives assigned to me by the Governor.  An overarching principal in the selection of initiatives was that they help guide the State through its period of economic recovery.

In a phrase, our objective was to stretch the office so we could work collaboratively with both government agencies and the private sector to focus on key targets.

Our Annual Report covers service improvements made within our office, the Hawai‘i Fair Share Initiative, the significance of hosting APEC, disaster relief, China trade and travel activities and initial efforts to make Hawai‘i the home for the Obama Presidential Center.

The Governor’s vision to utilize my office to the fullest is derived from his continued commitment to make the best use of governmental resources.  We face challenges ahead.  But there is a lot to build on after this first year, and I look forward to continuing to serve the people of Hawai‘i into the future.


Wordless Wednesday – Bringing the Big Island to APEC 2011

The Big Island of Hawaii hosted a reception at the Elks Club in Waikiki tonight to help kick off the APEC Summit here on Oahu.

Here is the extended version of Big Island Mayor Billy Kenoi’s interview with KITV tonight:

Here are pictures from this evening:

Hawaii Flags Ordered to Fly at Half-Staff in Honor of Former Legislator and First Circuit Court Judge Katsugo Miho

In observance of the memory of former state Representative and First Circuit Judge Katsugo Miho, Governor Neil Abercrombie today ordered that all U.S. and Hawai’i flags at all State offices and agencies as well as the Hawai’i National Guard are to be flown at half-staff from sunrise until sunset, September 29, 2011.

Kats Miho's Story

Click to read Kats Miho's Story

“Kats Miho was a unique person in the best sense of the word.  He was always encouraging and supportive of the best in you – never pessimistic of Hawai’i or its future,” Governor Abercrombie said. “He genuinely believed in politics and in you as a person.  In my life personally and politically, he was someone I could always call on for advice, counsel, and support. In his public life, Kats Miho’s contribution to Hawai’i is old school.  In other words, he was always for Hawai’i, first, last, and always.”
Miho, born in 1922 in Kahului, Maui, served with the 442nd Regimental Combat Team during World War II. Miho received his law degree from George Washington University Law School and became a lawyer in private practice. In 1959, Miho was elected to the State of Hawai’i House of Representatives and served for five terms. He was appointed as a Family Court Judge where he served for eight years. Miho was also involved in the community, including the Japan Goodwill Sumo tournaments, Japan-Hawai’i High School Goodwill and Friendship baseball series, 442nd Veterans Club of Honolulu and the Crown Prince Akihito Scholarship Foundation.

5th Annual China – U.S. Tourism Leadership Summit Held on Hawaii Island

The Hawai‘i Tourism Authority (HTA), the state’s tourism agency, welcomed tourism officials from across the U.S. and China attending the 5th Annual China-U.S. Tourism Leadership Summit on Hawai‘i Island today.

US-China Tourism Summit

US-China Tourism Summit

Members of the U.S. Travel Association (USTA) and China National Tourism Association (CNTA), including more than 60 regional tourism directors from the U.S. and China, met at the Mauna Lani Bay Hotel and Bungalows. The Summit, considered to be one of the top economic accomplishments by the two countries, is designed to build business through creating relationships and knowledge of both the Chinese and U.S. markets.

“The China-U.S. Tourism Leadership Summit is an important event to build on the growing relationship we have with China,” said Mike McCartney, president and CEO of the HTA. “Since the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding in 2007, opening group and leisure travel from China to the U.S., we have seen significant growth in this market, with visitor arrivals projected to reach 91,000 in 2011, up 37 percent over last year. This meeting also offers another opportunity to position Hawai‘i as a global meetings destination as our state prepares to host the 2011 APEC Leaders’ Week, and  builds on the growing interest of our state within the Asia- Pacific region.”

“We are very pleased and proud to host the 5th U.S.-China Travel Summit on the Island of Hawai‘i, and look forward to expanding our ties to tourism directors from both the Chinese and U.S. markets,” said Mayor Billy Kenoi. “We offer a very special kind of experience for travelers, and are at the forefront of emerging areas of the visitor industry such as educational and agricultural tourism. We want to extend to our guests the warm hospitality and aloha that make our island home so special, and we welcome this opportunity to showcase our Island of Hawai`I for these key international travel industry leaders.”

Attendees were welcomed by Roger Dow, president and CEO of USTA, and Qiwei Shao,chairman of CNTA, to discuss and work toward enhancing tourism-related cooperation between the two countries.

Representing Hawai‘i was McCartney and Lt. Governor Brian Schatz, who both addressed the participants. Other speakers included Dr. Rachel JC Chen, Ph.D, Center for Sustainable Business and Tourism, University of Tennessee; Dr. Dai Bin, Ph.D, chairman, China Tourism Academy; Mike Lieberman, president and CEO, Los Angeles Convention & Visitors Bureau; Gary Sain, president and CEO, Visit Orlando; Leigh Von Der Esch, managing director, Utah Office of Tourism; She Quingwen, director general, Tian Jin Tourism Administration; Chen Jianjun, director general, Guang Xi Tourism Administration; and Hao Kang Li, director general, Si Chuan Tourism Administration.

“This event has served as a bridge between the tour and travel industries in both  countries,” said Bruce Bommarito, senior international consulting partner of the USTA. “It also provides an opportunity to meet and build connections with relevant decision makers from China, a rapidly growing market, in the tourism industry.”

Established in 1998, the Hawai‘i Tourism Authority, the state’s tourism agency, is responsible for strategically managing tourism to optimize benefits for Hawai‘i that integrates the interest of visitors, the community and visitor industry. Tourism is our state’s leading economic driver and largest employer and the HTA continually works to ensure its sustainability well into the future.

For more information on the HTA, please visit, find us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter (@HawaiiHTA).

Governor Abercrombies Proclamation In Memoriam of His Royal Highness Whatumoana Paki, Senior

Māori Queen, Te Arikinui Dame Te Atairangikahu

The Māori Queen, Te Arikinui Dame Te Atairangikahu, shares a quiet moment with her husband Whatumoana Paki in the gallery of Parliament during the passage of the bill for the Waikato–Tainui land settlement. As a result of the settlement, Waikato–Tainui received $170 million.

Governor Abercrombies Proclamation In Memoriam of His Royal Highness Whatumoana Paki, Senior:

Lt. Governor Brian Schatz – “Why China Matters to Hawaii”

Aloha everyone,

Media from Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou visited Hawai‘i this summer and heard the message that Hawai‘i is a great place to visit and do business.  They saw our world class observatories on Mauna Kea, visited cutting-edge health sciences and energy projects, and enjoyed our beautiful environment and warm hospitality.
As a result, millions of people have seen positive stories about Hawai‘i, in newspapers, on television and on computers throughout China.
This is part of this administration’s overall effort to build a strong relationship with China.  China matters to Hawai‘i.  Here’s why:
China is becoming an important market for Hawai‘i.  Chinese visitation is growing by double digits every year and these visitors stay longer and spend more than visitors from other markets.  Governor Abercrombie recently welcomed the first direct flight from Shanghai, and we are working on securing additional direct flights from China. This will mean more jobs, more tax revenues and more opportunities for Hawai‘i’s businesses.
High-end Chinese consumers are attracted to the Hawai‘i “brand” and want authentic, top quality agriculture and other products.  Working with the Department of Business Economic Development and Tourism, buyers will come to Hawai‘i in a few weeks to select local products for retail markets in major cities across China.  Local companies now have an opportunity to export locally produced products to an enormous new market.
Chinese officials here and in China have expressed to me a keen interest in our clean energy projects.  There is ample opportunity for partnership in this area whether it’s deployment of electric vehicles or other clean energy technologies.  In fact, several of our local renewable energy companies, particularly in solar, already have business partnerships with Chinese entities.
With APEC coming up, interest in Hawai‘i has never been greater, and so we are working hard to build the long-term relationships that will strengthen our economy for the next generation.


Brian Schatz
Lieutenant Governor

Lt. Governor Brian Schatz as Acting Governor Releases Statement on President Obamas Deficit Reduction Plan

Today, President Obama unveiled his plan to further reduce the nation’s deficit in addition to the American Jobs Act. Some of the potential impact from the American Jobs Act on Hawai’i includes:

  • 30,000 small businesses to receive a payroll tax cut
  • $174.9 million for highway and transit modernization projects for about 2,300 local jobs
  • $122.3 million to support 1,500 educator and first responder jobs
  • $82.2 million to improve school infrastructure that will support 1,100 jobs
  • 17,000 long-term unemployed workers to go back to work by reforming the unemployment insurance system

Lt. Gov. Brian Schatz, who is Acting Governor, today released the following statement:

“In Hawai’i, we share President Obama’s approach in his plan to reduce the nation’s deficit – getting people back to work by creating jobs and investing in our priorities, like education and healthcare, all while living within our means. It is clear that we need to all work together and do our part now to grow a sustainable economy for future generations.”

For more information on the American Jobs Act and the impact on Hawai’i, visit:


Lt. Governor Schatz – “Our Energy Future Is Now”

Aloha everyone,

Your administration is working hard to build a sustainable economy, and the key to that is clean energy.  While we’ve just begun, I’m happy to report that we’re making exciting progress.

We are moving fast on electric vehicles.  Through a federal grant, our Department of Business Economic Development and Tourism (DBEDT) is partnering with private companies, and by the end of 2012, Hawai‘i will have more electric vehicle charging stations per capita than any other state.  We are the ideal place for electric cars because of our high gas prices and short driving distances.

We are building international partnerships on energy.  This week Hawai‘i is hosting the Asia Pacific Clean Energy Summit, where we expect more than 1,200 local and international clean energy leaders in the government and private sectors to attend along with delegations from more than a dozen countries.  The Governor and I are speaking at this summit to welcome our guests and advance partnerships with key government players and investors in China, Korea, Okinawa, Japan and other countries.

These partnerships are critical to attracting the kind of investment that will be necessary to develop renewable energy opportunities for our state and a sustainable economy.  Any type of investment in Hawai‘i is significant in that it strengthens our economy and provides additional job opportunities for Hawai‘i’s workforce.  This particular kind of investment goes further in that it will enable us to get off of oil that much sooner.  The less oil we consume, the less we all spend each month on gas and electricity and the more money we have in our pockets for other needs.  Hawai‘i’s energy program powers Hawai‘i’s economic growth by attracting the inflow of investment as well as reducing the outflow of dollars from our economy.

We are focusing on Megawatts.  What does that mean? It means that all of this exciting talk is just that – talk – unless we get projects approved, financed, and delivered to customers.  So we are working with all state departments, especially the Public Utilities Commission, to make sure that private clean energy producers can succeed in moving Hawai‘i off of oil. Through DBEDT’s Energy Office, we are also working to facilitate the siting and permitting of clean energy projects to ensure the timely and expeditious completion of these projects.  That means that companies that want to deliver clean energy to your home or business will be doing it, not just talking about it.

There’s a lot more to do, but I am energized by the progress made in our first nine months in office.  The Governor and I are determined to build on this solid foundation going forward.  If you want to know more about the administration’s efforts in energy independence, visit


Brian Schatz
Lieutenant Governor

Lt. Governor Brian Schatz – Are You Ready


June 1 marks the start of hurricane season for Hawaii, and it’s a good time to get ready.
The March 11 earthquake in Japan was devastating, and it reminds us that it’s not a question of “if” a major natural disaster will hit Hawaii, but “when.”
As bad as it was in Japan, many lives were saved because the Japanese government and community made efforts to be ready.
We need to do the same in Hawaii.
The Hawaii chapter of the American Red Cross has launched a great to new program called “Ready when the Time Comes.”
To be ready when the time comes, first, “Make a Plan,” which includes both an evacuation and communications plan in the event you become separated.
Second, “Get a Disaster Supplies Kit.”  Store enough supplies for least 5 to 7 days.
Also, “Be Informed and Get Trained.”  For example, learn First Aid and CPR.
The Red Cross is launching a Ready Rating website that allows businesses and schools to self-test their disaster readiness and gives them tools to improve their score.
For more information on how to prepare your business, your school, your home, and your family for a natural disaster, please visit  Or visit our website at


Brian Schatz

Update From Lieutenant Governor Brian Schatz

Media Release:

In our efforts to work towards a New Day, Governor Abercrombie has asked me, as your Lieutenant Governor, to take the lead on some important initiatives – programs that will make a difference to our State, to our communities and to each of us.

One such program is the Fair Share Initiative.

The Fair Share Initiative is based on a simple idea. In these challenging times, we need to pull together and aggressively pursue funding outside of Hawai‘i to bolster our economic prosperity.  So we’ve put together an action-oriented team to support important projects in renewable energy, workforce training, military construction and small business development to ensure that they get the financial assistance they need in order to succeed.

The progress we’ve already made is promising. Through this initiative, we are seeing government agencies and organizations strategically collaborate to find important opportunities to bring in new money.

So what does this all mean, as a practical matter? We stand to get more than $90 million dollars in needed repairs for our National Guard facilities. We are working closely with the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations on training initiatives to ensure that our workforce is prepared for the green jobs of the future. And we’re working hard to get needed federal support for small businesses.

The Fair Share Initiative is an example of what we can do when we become more creative and nimble and work together closely.

This is part of the New Day plan to effectively use existing resources to ensure that Hawai‘i succeeds.

I am excited about this program and will continue to check in with you in the coming weeks and months about its progress. In the meantime, please feel free to learn more about the Fair Share Initiative (FSI) by contacting Lynn Heirakuji, FSI director, and Jacce Mikulanec, FSI deputy.  Or visit us on the web at


Brian Schatz

State of Hawaii Selects AeroVironment to Deploy up to 320 Public Electric Vehicle Charging Docks in Support of Clean Energy Goal

Media Release:

Lt. Governor Brian Schatz today announced that AeroVironment has been selected to help lead the way to a cleaner transportation future through an $820,000 contract from the Hawaii EV Ready Grants Program. The contract will fund the deployment of up to 320 AeroVironment 240-volt electric vehicle (EV) charging docks throughout the islands. Once deployment is completed, Hawaii will have one of the nation’s first statewide public charging networks supporting electric vehicle drivers.

AeroVironment (AV), the official home charging-dock provider for the Nissan LEAF and co-developer of the first modern-day electric vehicle, the GM Impact, will partner with Hawaiian Electric Company (HECO) to design and build public and semi-private charging stations at convenient locations for electric vehicle owners, including high-rise buildings, resorts and rental car facilities.

AeroVironment’s charging docks, including the two-port or four-port EVSE-RS+ and EVSE-CS (commercial) dock, will be strategically located throughout Oahu, Hawaii Island, Maui, and Kauai to offer drivers a practical, safe and reliable EV charging experience. AeroVironment has installed more than 1,000 charging docks in more than 300 communities across 18 states since November 2010.

The State of Hawaii is offering a rebate of up to $500 for installing charging docks through its Hawaii EV Ready Rebate Program. Customers who purchase an EV are also eligible for a state rebate of up to $4,500. In combination with the Hawaii EV Ready Grant Program and other development efforts, the rebates aim to establish the state as a leader in the clean transportation movement.

“We look forward to working with AeroVironment to help reduce the use of oil for transportation,” said Robbie Alm, Hawaiian Electric executive vice president. “Wide use of electric vehicles will not only help reduce our fossil fuel dependence, it will make it easier to increase our use of renewable energy sources such as wind power and others, all contributing to our energy, economic and environmental security.”

Alm added, “AeroVironment shares this vision and is an outstanding example of a supplier with a comprehensive solution for the EV market, a history in Hawaii, experience working with leading auto manufacturers and consistent high quality customer support.”

The Hawaii Natural Energy Institute (HNEI), University of Hawaii at Manoa will work with AeroVironment and Hawaiian Electric to collect data from chargers to analyze the impact of EVs and associated infrastructure on the power distribution grid.

“AeroVironment’s team focuses on the entire user experience from the start by providing the right tools and a full range of practical, groundbreaking solutions,” said Richard Rocheleau, director of the HNEI. “As a result, we’ll have the unique ability to collect and analyze usage patterns that will help us project the increased demand on Hawaii’s utilities as EV adoption accelerates.”

AeroVironment has been working on clean transportation programs in Hawaii for more than a decade, beginning with deployment of fast charging stations for passenger EVs in the early 2000s. AeroVironment also established world altitude records with its solar-electric, unmanned aircraft systems at the U.S. Navy Pacific Missile Range Facility at Barking Sands on Kauai.

“AeroVironment and the state of Hawaii are pioneers in the EV movement and have a long partnership focused on introducing clean transportation solutions,” said Mike Bissonette, senior vice president of Efficient Energy Systems for AeroVironment. “Together, we’re deploying practical solutions for a game-changing electric transportation ecosystem that will dramatically alter the vehicle refueling paradigm for drivers in Hawaii, the United States and the world.