Free Book (Limited Time) – “Sarah’s Kine Justice, A Story of Modern Hawaii”

To commemorate the 170th anniversary of the end of British occupation of the Hawaiian Kingdom, Hermann Schachtschneider will be giving away free copies of his new Christian novel, Sarah’s Kine Justice, A Story of Modern Hawaii, available for Amazon kindle.

U.S. Marines leaving Iolani Palace grounds after Annexation ceremony.  Date: Aug. 12, 1898 Photographer: Davey, Frank, 1860-? (Hawaii State Archives)

U.S. Marines leaving Iolani Palace grounds after Annexation ceremony. Date: Aug. 12, 1898
Photographer: Davey, Frank, 1860-? (Hawaii State Archives)

Here’s the book description from

“Action and Adventure in Hawaii
Told from a Christian worldview!

Prologue: In 1893, a diplomat of the United States and 162 US Marines helped overthrow the government of the Hawaiian Kingdom. Five years later, an act of Congress unilaterally annexed the islands. At the time, President Cleveland admitted mistakes were made, but he failed in his efforts to restore the Hawaiian Monarchy.

A hundred years later, President Clinton formally apologized for the actions of the United States. Yet today, Hawaiian pleas for justice are still unresolved.

Now, two genetic engineers have found a way to force the United States to give back the islands, and they’ve given notice that all non-Hawaiians must get out or die.

Sarah Kiley is one of a few thousand pure-blooded Hawaiians who stand to inherit Hawaii under the scientists’ plan. While investigating the murder of a friend, she finds herself a key player on the inter-agency task force that’s trying to stop them. Given the opportunity to change the history of her people and return their stolen sovereignty, she must decide which side will win. “

To get your free copy, go to anytime between July 27 and July 31 (US Pacific Time).

Don’t have a kindle? Amazon has free kindle apps you can download for your Windows PC, Macintosh, Android, iPhone, iPad, Blackberry and Windows Phone. Download the apps here:

Sovereignty Restoration Day (July 31) commemorates the day in 1843 when the British Rear Admiral Richard Thomas, on behalf of Queen Victoria, formally returned control of the Hawaiian Kingdom to King Kamehameha III. The Islands had fallen into British possession when a British sea captain, acting on his own authority, seized them in the name of Great Britain some five months earlier.