Free Book (Limited Time) – “Sarah’s Kine Justice, A Story of Modern Hawaii”

To commemorate the 170th anniversary of the end of British occupation of the Hawaiian Kingdom, Hermann Schachtschneider will be giving away free copies of his new Christian novel, Sarah’s Kine Justice, A Story of Modern Hawaii, available for Amazon kindle.

U.S. Marines leaving Iolani Palace grounds after Annexation ceremony.  Date: Aug. 12, 1898 Photographer: Davey, Frank, 1860-? (Hawaii State Archives)

U.S. Marines leaving Iolani Palace grounds after Annexation ceremony. Date: Aug. 12, 1898
Photographer: Davey, Frank, 1860-? (Hawaii State Archives)

Here’s the book description from

“Action and Adventure in Hawaii
Told from a Christian worldview!

Prologue: In 1893, a diplomat of the United States and 162 US Marines helped overthrow the government of the Hawaiian Kingdom. Five years later, an act of Congress unilaterally annexed the islands. At the time, President Cleveland admitted mistakes were made, but he failed in his efforts to restore the Hawaiian Monarchy.

A hundred years later, President Clinton formally apologized for the actions of the United States. Yet today, Hawaiian pleas for justice are still unresolved.

Now, two genetic engineers have found a way to force the United States to give back the islands, and they’ve given notice that all non-Hawaiians must get out or die.

Sarah Kiley is one of a few thousand pure-blooded Hawaiians who stand to inherit Hawaii under the scientists’ plan. While investigating the murder of a friend, she finds herself a key player on the inter-agency task force that’s trying to stop them. Given the opportunity to change the history of her people and return their stolen sovereignty, she must decide which side will win. “

To get your free copy, go to anytime between July 27 and July 31 (US Pacific Time).

Don’t have a kindle? Amazon has free kindle apps you can download for your Windows PC, Macintosh, Android, iPhone, iPad, Blackberry and Windows Phone. Download the apps here:

Sovereignty Restoration Day (July 31) commemorates the day in 1843 when the British Rear Admiral Richard Thomas, on behalf of Queen Victoria, formally returned control of the Hawaiian Kingdom to King Kamehameha III. The Islands had fallen into British possession when a British sea captain, acting on his own authority, seized them in the name of Great Britain some five months earlier.


Tonga Ministry of Foreign Affars: “Hawaiian Visa Scheme is a Scam”

Don’t shoot the messenger here folks… just passing on some information found online:

Tonga’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs Immigration Division has issued a warning to travelers to the United States that visas issued by a group known as the “Kingdom of Hawaii” are not valid, and cannot be used for entry to the United States.

This is a copy of the Scam 'Hawaiian Visa' from the 'Hawaiian Kingdom'

“The Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ Immigration Division (MFAID) has received information that Tongan nationals have spent monies for a visa issued by what has become known as the ‘Hawaiiian Kingdom’,” says the Release from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

“Monies collected by the ‘Kingdom of Hawaii’ for the issue of these visas may be part of a fraudulent scheme…”

More Here: Hawaiian Visa Scheme is a Scam

Prime Minister Henry Noa of the Lawful Hawaiian Government Announcing a Nationwide Free Election

From the Kingdom of Hawaii YouTube Site:

Prime Minister Henry Noa announces the upcoming election for the Kingdom of Hawaii on November 5th, 2011. Interview by David Lakota at the Mana Kau Kana Wai, the 35th Legislative Session of the Lawful Hawaiian Government in Oahu.

Prime Minister Henry Noa, Nobles, Representatives, and other members of the Kingdom, convened to conduct government business, and to conclude that upcoming election is among the most simple and poweful of means to unify the previously divided people of the Hawaiian Nation.

There are positions, filled and unfilled, for 24 Nobles and 24 Representatives, in the Kingdom of Hawaii, the Lawful Hawaiian Government. Several more of these seats were filled at the annual legislative session.

Leaders of the Hawaiian Nation are calling out to the Kanaka Maoli of Hawaii, and those who are living and traveling abroad, to “Come home.” Fill the remaining seats of the Lawful Hawaiian Government so that this sovereign Nation of Hawaii may be complete.

The nationwide free election for the independent people of Hawaii, both Kanaka Maoli and non-Kanaka Maoli is the single most powerful way yet undertaken for the unification of these Hawaiian Islands.

New Herb Kane Artwork Collection at King Kamehameha’s Kona Beach Hotel

The Kamakahonu National Historic Landmark is n...

Image via Wikipedia

Media Release:

King Kamehameha’s Kona Beach Hotel has yet another reason to be proud. Earlier this year, new life was infused into the hotel with the completion of a $35 million dollar renovation. Now, highly acclaimed Hawaiian Historian/Artist Herb Kawainui Kane brings Hawaiian history to life at the hotel via 40 signed and numbered limited-edition giclees, the largest single hotel collection of his work. The artwork is a sequence that depicts early Hawaiian lifestyles and legends, through modern day. Portraits of ali’i (royalty), gods and goddesses, voyages, entertainers and more share stories of Hawai’i’s vibrantly rich past, and present.

The giclees of paintings are prominently displayed throughout the lobby breezeway, between the main lobby and the west tower. The new collection joins an original by Kane that was restored during the renovation – an oil depicting Kamehameha I, his family, and advisors at Kamakahonu, the bay that fronts the hotel. A few other original pieces that have been a part of the lobby display for decades include a treasured feather cape or ahu’ula, feathered helmet or mahi’ole, feather lei, war weapons, and lei niho palaoa (lei of braided human hair and a whale or walrus tooth, usually worn only by royalty).

“We are so excited and honored to be able to showcase some of Herb Kane’s most brilliant pieces,” said Jak Hu, general manager of the hotel. “Walking through the display is like taking a journey back in time, one in which Herb Kane has been able to capture on canvas.”

Kane said it’s fitting that the collection dwells in Kona, in particular, the same area where Hawai’i’s most illustrious ruler, King Kamehameha the Great, last resided.

“Kamakahonu, the site of the King Kamehameha’s Kona Beach Hotel, is historically signficant. I couldn’t think of a better place to house this collection,” said Kane. “If my art can contribute to the comprehension and understanding of Hawai’i’s past, I have succeeded.”

Herb Kawainui Kane
Born in 1928, Kane was raised in Waipi’o Valley and Hilo, Hawai’i Island and in Wisconsin. Mr. Kane studied at the University of Chicago and at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago where he obtained a Masters Degree in 1953, and an honorary doctorate in 2008. A multi-faceted artist, Kane’s career includes advertising art, publishing art, architectural design, painting, writing, and sculpture. He has published several books, and is one of the founders of Polynesian Voyaging Society. He currently resides in rural South Kona. For more information, please visit

King Kamehameha’s Kona Beach Hotel sits adjacent to the National Historic Landmark Ahu’ena Heiau, Kamehameha I’s personal and final residence, and the center of political power in the Hawaiian Kingdom. Kamehameha used this site as a gathering place for his kāhuna (priests) and advisors to counsel and guide both he and his successor, Kamehameha II (Liholiho). For reservations or more information, visit, or find us on Facebook®.