Grant Writing Workshop in Hilo

The County of Hawai’i Department of Research and Development and Grant Writing USA will present a two-day grants workshop in Hilo, January 7-8, 2013. In this class you’ll learn how to find grants and write winning grant proposals. This training is applicable to grant seekers across all disciplines.

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More information including learning objectives, class location, graduate testimonials and online registration is available at

Multi-enrollment discounts and discounts for Grant Writing USA returning alumni are available. Tuition payment is not required at the time of enrollment.

Tuition is $425 and includes all materials: workbook and accompanying resource CD that’s packed full of tools and more than 200 sample grant proposals. Seating is limited, online reservations are necessary.


The Client Services Team at Grant Writing USA, 800.814.8191, Beth Dykstra, Dept. of Research and Development 808.961.8035