DLNR Presents – “The Rain Follows the Forest” Featuring Jason Scott Lee

The Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) is focusing its efforts on ecosystem management to protect our islands’ fresh water resources.

"It's so easy to get caught up in our modern world. Easy to forget where you came from. And then you look at the world and realize that things are kinda out of control. I left Hollywood 15-years ago. I came home to Hawaii to remember what life is about. My name is Jason Scott Lee, and I live in the rainforest." Excerpt from a new program about protecting our watersheds.

DLNR has produced a half-hour television special illustrating the importance of watershed protection and restoration. “The Rain Follows the Forest,” features Jason Scott Lee setting out on a journey to learn about sustainable life in our island home. Through interesting conversations, he learns about Hawai‘i’s fragile fresh water supply and discovers connections to our upland forest environment, and shares ways in which we all can contribute to protecting our watersheds.

Jason Scott Lee is on a journey to see if Hawaii's future bodes well or not for future generations. Join Jason as he learns about how a healthy watershed impacts our ocean and near shore ecosystems. We will be sharing this journey and the television premiere information soon!

One of those conversations in the television special is with William J. Aila, Jr., Chairperson of DLNR who says, “I think about my grandchildren all the time and the challenges that they are going to face. The worst-case scenario is that our watersheds are depleted and the source of fresh water diminishes.” “Fresh water is really important for us, it’s important to every ecosystem from the top of the mountain even into the ocean,” continued Aila.

Hawaii’s water supplies are under threat from hotter and drier conditions from climate change, as well as loss of watershed forests. Jason Scott Lee examines this and other facts about watershed preservation as part of an educational video produced by DLNR.

Tune-in on Thursday January 19, 2012 at 6:30 p.m. on KGMB and join Jason Scott Lee as he learns about our watersheds and how they provide nearly all of our fresh water in Hawai‘i.

Jason Scott Lee learned from Larry Yamamoto just how our agriculture water systems work. Our January video premiere will tell the story.

DLNR has launched a facebook page which has been following the production of the television special. Follow DLNR on facebook at http://www.facebook.com/HawaiiDLNR to see those images and keep up to date with DLNR news.

Airdates – January 2012

  • KGMB Thursday 1/19/2012 6:30-7pm
  • KGMB Sunday 1/22/2012 at 4:30-5pm
  • KHNL Thursday 1/26/2012 at 6:30-7pm
  • KHNL Saturday 1/28/2012 at 6 – 6:30pm

February 2012 – Throughout February on “Outside Hawai‘i” on OC16

For additional information, you may find “The Rain Follows the Forest: A Plan to Replenish Hawai‘i’s Source of Water” which was released by Governor Abercrombie in November 2011 on our DLNR website at www.hawaii.gov/dlnr.

KGMB and KHNL/KFVE “Skirt Federal Regulations” and MERGE

Erika Engle just tweeted the following:

  1. Erika Engle

    erikaengleKGMB/KHNL/KFVE to enter shared services agreement. http://www.hsblinks.com/mq Good luck to all staffers.

…The months-in-the-making arrangement will skirt federal regulations that prohibit single ownership of three TV stations in Honolulu. KGMB is owned by MCG Capital, while both KHNL-TV and KFVE-TV are owned by Raycom Media…

Full Starbulletin article here

*Update (See Below)* KGMB Asks Me to Remove Their Logo From a Blog Posting

The other day, I posted a blog about a smuck that was scamming people.

I sent off a twitter message to the @KGMB Twitter account and informed them of the broadcast that they showed on the air promoting the scam.

I received a few “Tweets” back from them, which I copied and pasted into my blog.  Part of that copy and paste included the KGMB Logo.

I just received the following email:


Aloha Damon,

KGMB9 kindly requests that you remove our logo from your blog.  While you are free to post whatever you like, we are asking that you remove our image.

Thank you,


CANDACE HIRLEMAN | Marketing Director | KGMB9 – Hawaii ’s Severe Weather Station

LOGO DELETED Phone: 808.973.4255 Fax: 808.941.8153 E-mail: chirleman@kgmb9.com

Address: 1534 Kapiolani Boulevard; Honolulu , HI   96814

Website: www.kgmb9.com


So of course now I have the following question… can a news station ask me to remove the LOGO from a private blog such as mine?

Wonder if I would have got in trouble if I copied and pasted my own email message from them with the logo in it?


I sent the following email off to KGMB:

Aloha Candace,

I just received this email.

I’m curious why are you asking me to remove the KGMB9 Logo?

This is my personal blog and I did not know of any laws or rules that would forbid me from using it.  I’m not using your image to make money so there isn’t any copyright laws that I know of that would forbid me from using it.

Have you asked all of the other bloggers that have posted your logo in the past to also remove them?

I have no problem removing it if you can please cite a law or rule that states that I can not use it on my personal blog.

P.S. if you look around… you will find your logo on a few other blogs.


Damon Tucker

And got the following reply:

I appreciate your response.  Our brand is important to us, and apparently to you, too.  Thanks for considering our request.

