Harry Kim on Last Week’s Tsunami Warning: Escape Routes in Puna “…I am satisfied with what is there”

Harry Kim just posted the following on his facebook page following his silence about the the whole situation:


To those who have asked for comments on the last tsunami incident: I have not said anything, and will not comment because I believe that would be inappropriate and non-productive for me to say anything at this time. Any comments would be based on what has appeared in the media, not knowing the specifics of the situation, and would be just Monday night quarterbacking. I do hope that the authorities from the state to the county will review the entire event. I hope you understand that any comment by me would not in any way be productive in the only important mission at this time, and that is to make things better.

To Bill Daly – On your specific question on escape routes in lower Puna during tsunami incidents, I am satisfied with what is there. The major issue for residents is to be very familiar with their routes, and even practice evacuation. The available routes to safety are a short distance in all areas of Puna, and what is important that the residents be familiar with what is closest to them.

Aloha, Harry