Tsunami Siren Testing Today May Not Validate Actual Emergency Situation

I wonder why I get emergency emails from the county hours after I get them via Hawaii Nixle Emergency Alerts.

The most recent Nixle “EMERGENCY ALERT” paid for with our tax dollars.

Of course I find it funny that the Hawaii County Police Department would use an emergency alert service like Nixel to promote it’s self at times by posting thing like “Police Officer of the Month” on an emergency service.  Lord knows if we as the public used a service like 911 to promote ourselves all hell would break out.

Then again… I didn’t get anything via Nixle the night of the Tsunami Evacuations!

If folks are relying on email for emergency notifications… it may be too late when a real emergency does happen!  I’m gonna depend on myself for notices until the county get’s the kinks worked out.

The Sirens will be tested today with county workers stationed at each siren.

I guarantee they will report that the Pahoa Siren closest to my house is functioning properly (as it always does on the drill days)

I know for a fact that Pahoa’s siren didn’t go off until about 9:15 at night more then two hours after I posted the warning on my site.

Having County workers standing by at these sirens tomorrow won’t prove much I expect…. as I expect my siren to go off as usual during a warning.


There was a moral to the story of the boy who called wolf!

TechConKona 2012 Helps Small Business Owners Learn Tech Solutions

Teaching business owners technology solutions to boost their triple bottom line is the goal of TechConKona, a unique, one-day, four track business solutions conference being held on August 2, 2012 at the newly renovated Sheraton Keauhou Convention Center from 9 a.m.-4 p.m.

TechConKona is a small business focused event that addresses questions about emerging technology trends and how attendees can implement these solutions in their business endeavors. Panelists will lead discussions on computer technology, digital marketing technology, sustainability/renewable energy, and promote ideas on innovation and start ups on the Big Island.

Keynote speakers, Paul Hawken, author of “Natural Capitalism” and the founder of the first natural food store in the U.S. and Dustin Luther, Head of Social Media at Dun and Bradstreet Credibility Corporation will address the expected 400 attendees at the conference.  Mr. Hawken will address business sustainability issues and Mr. Luther will discuss “Social Media Optimization” and tools to listen to and engage clients to help drive sales.

At TechConKona attendees will learn how to:

  • RAISE funds to start a business
  • MARKET their business with online tools
  • ACCESS data from anywhere, anytime, securely
  • GENERATE business through online search
  • INCREASE income by lowering energy costs
  • MASTER the “Top 10 Apps For Small Businesses”
  • UNDERSTAND the power of mobile tech and tablets.

Tickets to the event are $75 before June 29th and $100 after that date. Ticket holders will receive lunch, a post event networking reception and access to exhibitors. An open discussion forum to learn specific topics of interest from the speakers and other business professionals is the projected highlight.

“Small businesses, non-profits, entrepreneurs and future business owners can’t afford to miss this event”, stated Guy Toyama, Executive Director of Friends of NELHA, a key organizer of the event. “They will learn about specific and affordable tools and technologies to implement the day after the conference. At TechConKona, our presenters AND other business owners will show attendees how to use technology to boost the bottom line using affordable, and often times FREE, tools such as mobile apps, social media, email marketing and energy efficiency information. TechConKona is an exciting networking, educational and synergistic event which we are proud to sponsor.”

NELHA, Hawaii Community College, the County of Hawaii, the Small Business Development Center, Hawaii Community Federal Credit Union and RevoluSun are presenting sponsors.

More information and how to purchase tickets can be found at www.TechConKona.com

Exhibitors and sponsors are being sought before July 1. Visit the website or call Julie Ziemelis, at Ziemelis Communications at 808-854-6769.

An Ethical Quandary… Being “Smart”

I’ve been faced with an ethical quandary… how much money would you take to promote a product you have never tested?  I try my best to stay true to my readers and when I do sponsored trips I’m sure everyone knows they are sponsored.

Oceanic Time Warner is about to roll out a new social media package promoting the “Smart Home”

I have no problem sponsoring and promoting products and/or companies that are proven to be good companies.

Now I’m being asked into a new venture w/ a S#IT load of capital… and no guidance.

I won’t jeopardize my readers w/ this product unless I can see a benefit given to folks… even if it is “the future” and where the world is going.

I’m willing to give it a beta trial and willing to support this company as I know it has really good intentions…. although I know the bottom line for this company is profit.

Will see where this leads and I will be honest about things… hope folks don’t think I’m a sell out!

Honesty is the best platform… I will totally support a good company that is doing good things to everyone… while accepting fringe benefits.

If the product sucks… well then I bail on the project… yeah?

Social Media More Popular Then Pornography on the Internet

Ever since I started my blog, I’ve been on this big “Social Media” thing.   Lot’s of folks here on the Big Island really don’t get.  Many folks on Oahu get it.  But it has really taken off on the mainland.

I started my blog over a year ago and at the time I thought no way would I ever join Twitter or Facebook. I mean I already had a Myspace account that I was hardly using anymore.

Well things have sure changed quite a bit in just the last 6-7 months as I’m hooked on both Twitter, and now I’m becoming hooked on facebook.

I’m not quite sure why these sites are so popular and addictive, because typically you don’t even own the content that you are putting out there for the folks.

But it sure is fun to be in contact with so many people throughout the world with just the click of button!

Ian Lind writes in his post Startling social media stats, political skirmishes, and NPR digs into corporate marketing:

…The House Majority Communications Office presented a workshop yesterday for legislative staff on social media, and I was surprised by the statistics in a YouTube video that’s been floating around for several months which appear to show a tidal wave of new communications via tools like Twitter and Facebook. The video is available in a short version or a longer original version. Connecting with these data was worth the price of admission!…

This was the first time I had seen this video and some things really sunk in that let me know that I think I’m going in the right direction with things.

So if you haven’t seen it… check it out… because Social Media is More Popular then Porn on the Internet.

So never mind me… I’m going over to Twitter and Facebook for a few to talk to folks over there! LOL