Congresswoman Hirono Honors Sumo Legend Jesse Takamiyama Kuhaulua

Congresswoman Mazie K. Hirono (D-Hawaii) honors Maui-born Sumo Wrestling Legend Jesse Kuhaulua on his retirement from the ancient sport.

Congress Salutes Hawaii-Born Sumo Wrestler

The US Congress on Monday saluted Hawaiian-born sumo wrestler and stablemaster Azumazeki, a foreign pioneer in the ancient Japanese sport who is retiring after a 45-year career.

Hawaiian-born sumo wrestler and stablemaster Azumazeki, pictured in 1980

Hawaiian-born sumo wrestler and stablemaster Azumazeki, pictured in 1980

Azumazeki — who was born Jesse Kuhaulua and changed his name to Daigoro Watanabe after taking Japanese nationality in 1980 — won hearts in Japan for his devotion to the ritualistic sport and polite, cheerful manner off the ring.

In a resolution, the US House of Representatives hailed Azumazeki for his “achievements to sumo and his contributions to enhancing United States-Japan relations…”

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The Real Reason Sumo Wrestlers Get So Big

I knew there had to be a way these guys got “Hungry”:

Sumo wrestlers with pot bellies, yes. Sumo wrestlers with pot? Now that’s harder to grapple with.

In the past six months, four wrestlers have been kicked out of the ancient sport for allegedly smoking marijuana, creating the biggest drugs-in-sports scandal that Japan has ever seen…

…Sumo aficionados like to note that former grand champion Musashimaru, of Hawaii, had a 10 p.m. curfew…



…But that is changing…

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