More on the Stinkhorn Mushroom and Ladies Orgasms

I blogged about the Stinkhorn Mushroom giving women orgasms here. (It’s scientific name is Phallus Indusiatus) which in itself sounds pretty suggestive if you know what a Phallic Symbol is.

Someone emailed me and asked me if this was legit.

As I said in my previous post… “I’ll put this in the strange and weird files”

I really don’t know if it’s true or not, and obviously I won’t ever be able to test the theory on myself ;)

Here is the Wikipedia entry on it: (remember… there is no proven science behind wiki entries for the most part)

Previously only collected in the wild, where it is uncommon, it was rare and difficult to procure. However, it has been cultivated in China since 1979. It was previously reserved for special occasions, one such being a banquet for Henry Kissinger on his visit to China to reestablish diplomatic relations in the early 1970s.

Since then, advances in cultivation have made it cheaper and more available. The Hong Kong price for a kilogram of dried mushrooms reached around US $770 in 1982, but had dropped to US $100-200 by 1988. Further advances led to it dropping further to US $10-20.

According to an article in the International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms, the smell of this fungus can trigger spontaneous orgasms in human females.

I think I need to start growing some of these… from the amount of hits that previous post got, it seems there could be a market for them ;)

I betcha I could put Viagra out of business… just think of the possibilities here guys… Pleasing EVERY TIME!!!

And ladies for that matter… heck…husband can’t do the trick… just bust out the mushroom!

Anyone know where I can get some spores/seeds/starts so I can propagate these shooms? :)


Paul Ogata on these Mushrooms “I gotta go find some of those mushrooms and make a cologne out of
them. Then walk down the street on a windy day.”

Anyone Turn the Channel to 433 Lately?

Anyone notice that Oceanic is giving away free video games on TV Channel 433 until the end of March?  You actually use your remote as if it’s a “joystick”.

After that, it will be $.25 cents a day.

Don’t get hooked to that Tetris too quickly ;) I blogged about the guy who discovered Tetris is now living on the Big Island here.

Hat tip to former Pahoa High Graduate Erika Engle

My Wifes Uncles Five Year Run on Hawaii Five-0

I used to get a lot of questions about my wifes uncle Gilbert Kauhi.

He played the role of Zulu on Hawaii Five-0 for about 5 seasons.

A lot of people wonder why he was fired from the show… The simple story I’ve been told over and over is that he just plain and simple didn’t like Jack Lord.

Here is a clip of the opening, you can see he is even credited at the :50 Second Mark.

Here he is in a picture later on in life at a Hawaii Five-O Convention before he passed away 4 years ago:

And here is a 1996 Starbulletin article on the convention they had.

Many don’t realize this… but he is a “Punaboy” and was raised here on The Big Island.

Te Vaka to Perform on Big Island November 1st

November 1st, 8 pm ($40/$35) Kahilu Theater

“One of New Zealand’s hottest cultural exports, Te Vaka, has toured the globe since 1997 presenting a rich, luscious mix of Polynesia’s ancient culture to the modern world.”

Here is a music video by them:

Federal Prison for Honolulu Man Who Sexually Abused Teenager on Plane

Shawn Michael Cole, 40, of Honolulu, Hawaii, was sentenced here yesterday to seven years in federal prison by U.S. District Judge Susan R. Bolton. Cole pleaded guilty on May 20, 2008 to Sexual Abuse of a Minor and Abusive Sexual Contact.Both crimes were committed aboard an aircraft. At the completion of his sentence, Cole will be on lifetime supervised release and must register as a sex offender.

In January 2008, Cole was sitting next to a 13-year-old girl who was traveling by air with her father from Honolulu to Phoenix. He chatted with the girl, shared a movie on his computer with her and paid for snacks.

As she tried to fall asleep he continually asked her quietly if she was asleep and when he believed she was, he began touching her sexually. Too afraid to resist, the girl continued to pretend to be asleep. A flight attendant noticed Cole touching the victim inappropriately and separated the two. Upon arrival in Phoenix, Cole was arrested.

Counties Road Paving Projects Halted – A Part of Saddle Road to be Torn Up and Re-Paved?

I don’t know how I didn’t catch wind of this:

…All county paving projects were halted on Sept. 3 after the Highways Division determined a material called SS-1 tackcoat being supplied by Keaau firm HMP Inc. may not meet county specifications.

The material was used to pave a 1.5-mile section of Saddle Road recently, between mile marker 41.5 and mile marker 43, but it’s unclear whether that portion of road will have to be torn up and re-paved

…According to information from Public Works spokeswoman Noelani Whittington, road projects that have been delayed because of potentially unacceptable tackcoat material include repaving work along Nanawale Boulevard in Nanawale Estates and north Puni Mauka Street in the Hawaiian Beaches subdivision.

Other projects that will be delayed include the paving of a pedestrian and bicycle lane on the mauka side of Alii Drive between Kamehameha III Road and Kaleiopapa Road, and paving of a portion of Ochiro Road in Hamakua, according to Whittington...

More Here

I’m sure the Konablog probably has this on his blog somewhere, I probabaly just missed it.

Today’s KO (Not for the Faint at Heart)

I’m warning you on this one… do not watch after eating.

Hilo Artist to be Featured in Postal Stamps

This is cool!

The 10th stamp set in the Postal Service’s Nature of America educational series depicts the sand dunes of the Great Lakes, illustrating the beauty and complexity of this major plant-and-animal community…

…To illustrate the diversity of species associated with Great Lakes dunes, artist John Dawson of Hilo, Hawaii, worked under the art direction of Ethel Kessler to depict more than 27 different kinds of plants and animals in his original acrylic painting. Included are the endangered piping plover and threatened Pitcher’s thistle…

More Here

And the stamps can be seen in this picture:

Former Horizon Managers Plead Guilty

Today the U.S. Department of Justice announced that four individuals have agreed to plead guilty for their involvement in a conspiracy to eliminate competition and raise prices for moving freight between the Continental U.S. and Puerto Rico. A fifth shipping executive has agreed to plead guilty to destroying evidence of the shipping conspiracy. Three of the individuals, Gabriel Serra, Kevin Gill and Gregory Glova, are former Horizon Lines managers, and have agreed to plead guilty, serve time in jail, pay criminal fines and cooperate fully with the Department’s ongoing antitrust investigation…

More Here

Pilago’s Plan to Stabilize Our Islands Economy… The Video

Advertiser Trying to Keep a Secret that I Already Released

Just notice the Advertisers Breaking News about the Office Max gift the teachers will be getting.

It didn’t mention which schools would be benefitting, however, I already mentioned them a week ago here.

These Hawaii Schools should expect a visit soon:

Aiea          Aiea Elementary School
Hilo          Waiakea Intermediate School, Waiakeawaena
              Elementary School
Honolulu      Abraham Lincoln Elementary, Kaewai Elementary School,
              Kaiulani Elementary School
Kaneohe       Puohala Elementary School
Lahaina       Kamehameha Iii Elementary School
Makawao       Pukalani Elementary School
Pearl City    Lehua Elementary School
Wailuku       Iao Intermediate School
Waipahu       Ahrens Elementary School
Waipahu       Waipahu Elementary School

Hilo Football Theft, Educational Spending, and Video Conferencing

I put the HPD press release in my blog yesterday regarding the Locker Room Theft of Hilo’s Football team,

Advertiser Blogger, Wes Nakama has more on it today:

…I guess in Hilo, when it rains, it really does pour.  “But considering all the bad news we’ve had to report in the past two months, it’s more like pouring salt in our wounds…”

I’d just like to emphasize one thing he states:

…There’s been a lot of bad things that happened in high school sports the past two months, but they will never outweigh all the good things that happen every day

Hunter Bishop recently stated:

…Then I’d proposed that education needs more money, not less. That might entail cuts to things that aren’t exactly educational, such as interscholastic sports. But most of you knew I’d go there first, anyway…

Which I tend to disagree.  Don’t cut sports… Cut things like INTER-ISLAND Travel.  With the Video Conferencing System that the Hawaii Department of Education has spent over a  million on… There is no reason for inter-island travel anymore.

McNeil-Wilson Communications Represents Superferry… “McNeil and Wilson Both Draw Upon Their Military Experience for Leadership”

I think this is kind of ironic:

…A spokeswoman for McNeil-Wilson Communications in Honolulu, which represents Hawaii Superferry, confirmed  the report but did not provide further details…


McNeil and Wilson both draw upon their military experience for leadership. Wilson recalled receiving sage advice as a young officer, “Look after your troops and God will look after you,” he said. “That carries over into this business because we look after our people.”

Pressed for some quick milestones, Wilson said, “We just wanted a culture where people feel safe here, that they could feel ambitious without anybody stepping on anybody’s toes. That’s our big achievement.”