Princess Kaiulani: The Trailer

Hat tip to the Hawaiiankingdom blog:

Today’s KO

Mauna Kea Military Training at PTA… Watch ‘Em Blow it Up

Watch the military blowing up parts of Mauna Kea!  The video starts about :15 Seconds in.

Looking at the KENOI Money Trail… AKIMEKA in There as Well.

I urge everyone to read this report:

Major Contributors to Billy Kenoi’s Hawaii County Mayoral Campaign and follow the money trail in the links.

Interesting that a major supporter of the TMT project AKIMEKA is donating big bucks also.

Big Island Tea Featured In Chicago’s Sun-Times

Mike Longo (left) and Rob Nunally amid their tea bushes at Onomea Tea Co. on the tropical north shore of Hawaii's Big Island.

Mike Longo (left) and Rob Nunally amid their tea bushes at Onomea Tea Co. on the tropical north shore of Hawaii

Just noticed that the Chicago’s Sun-Times has an article on Big Island Tea Companies:

…The 50th state is often celebrated for its Kona coffee, the premium beans grown on the Big Island’s west side. But these days there’s a new stimulating beverage on the island: tea. Actually, it’s the oldest and second-most popular drink in the world, next to water…

…Tea was introduced to Hawaii in 1887 but, over the years, farmers’ fits and starts with the plant failed to produce a commodity-level product. Still, the Big Island’s rich, volcanic soil and moody microclimates mirror many of the places where tea thrives — the slopes of China, the forests of India. Around the turn of this century, the U.S. Department of Agriculture and several state agencies gave interested tea growers in Hawaii a leg up in starting small-scale tea operations…

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