Full Hands at the Farm (Hamakua Farms)

I’m glad that Richard Ha is upfront with everyone on his blog so I’ll just direct everyone over to his latest blog posting:

Full Hands at the Farm

I wish his farm the best and I know they will be doing fine soon once again in the near future.

Best Wishes Richard

Tonights H-130 Meeting

Well tonights H-130 meeting was about as productive as the other ones.  (Sandwiches from Safeway were on the menu)

We learned about pending transportation issues and new busses that are being scheduled.


Learned a bit about the Puna Makai Alternative Route (PMAR) that is still being worked on by the county.

We broke out into two groups and discussed different issues.

I ended up being the “voice” of our group and did my best to summarize what our group had talked about, which ranged from where we thought were bad intersections, to bus stops, to the width of the Highway, to beautification, etc.  It really kind of went all over the place and we only had 15 minutes to discuss this.

I did mention burying powerlines as well as round-a-bouts so at least those are now on the table.

It was rather strange that there was much opposition against burying the powerlines within the group of people that I was with.  I also noted that they wouldn’t have to be necessarily buried, and that they could lay on top of the ground with conduits along the way.

The end of the meeting came with a guy talking about projected traffic patterns based on 2002 data.  Jon Olsen pretty much shot down one set of statistics that was presented and questioned the rest.  I too have significant doubts on the numbers that were presented and even the speaker himself mentioned that it’s all speculation based upon a few things.

I got the final question of the evening in… when I finally asked “Are we just Pawns of the State?  I understand this EIS is required to get community input… however, is our input actually going to be heard and listened to… or are we just pawns of the state?”

The answer in a summary… was that had this been 8-10 years ago… then maybe that’s how it would be.  But now the State is actually going to listen to our recommendations… at least thats what they are saying now.

One thing that did come out of this… Is that all of this could be for nothing and that absolutely no changes in H-130 may happen when it’s all said and done.  (Now how is that for a slap in the face?)

Today’s KO

This was actually shot by a friend of mine, Jon Karsunky, about 6 years ago, and only now I’m seeing it on youtube posted by someone who I don’t know.

My friend Jon, replied below… I guess it wasn’t one of his… for some reason I thought it was.

TODAY: Big Island Election Debates at UH at Hilo


Presented by UHH Poli-Sci Club
Monday. October 27 @ UHH Campus Center Plaza
11:45-12:00 Club set-up
12:00-12:10 Club opening speech
format: All candidates will briefly introduce him or herself prior to
the debate.  All questions will be asked from the public.  A time
keeper must notify the candidates when there is only 2 minutes left.
12:10-12:30 Ted Hong vs. Dwight Takamine SD1
12:30-12:50 Andy Baclig vs. Dennis Onishi   CD4
12:50-01:10 Emily Naeole vs. Gary Safarik   CD5
01:10-01:30 Billy Kenoi vs. Angel Pilago      Mayor  BILLY KENOI HAS CANCELLED HIS COMMITMENT
01:30-02:00 Club closing speech/clean up
*students please contact the disbility service for special assistance.
**visitor parking permit is $3 per car at the security gate.
***if one candidate for the race is absent then other candidate will
alone answer all the questions from the public.
POC Jet Heng 854-4899

Why Blog… Where’s the Money?

Ian Lind wrote an interesting piece on why he blogs this morning.

The question was asked of him if he would like to make money blogging and I’ll just copy his final reply:

…Simple answer, probably. All offers will be gratefully considered, although I doubt that I should hold me breath. And if there’s an interesting job out there for someone who isn’t worried first and foremost about how much it pays, don’t hesitate to let me know.

This pretty much sums up a lot of my feelings.

I know I’ll never make any money off blogging.  However, it is a good way to vent my feelings without anyone telling me what I can or cannot say.

Today’s newspapers suck so much that I barely even skim most of the article I read now a days.  I find it much more refreshing to read other people thoughts and opinions on things and then go on to read the actual news of an event.

I don’t like reading real structured columns, and I’ve always been a person that believes a picture is worth a thousand words.

Because of certain laws that protect bloggers, it’s very easy to read into the minds of how people think and what they are thinking about when they write something.

Many bloggers try to focus on one thing or subject.  Me… I try to just go all over the place at times and try to keep it somewhat Hawaii related.

Why Blog… Where’s the money?

Well if your blogging to make money… then your blogging for the wrong reason.

Hawaiian Acquiring Two New “Airbus Planes”

Hawaiian Airlines, a subsidiary of Hawaiian Holdings Inc., said Monday that it will acquire two new wide-body Airbus A330-200 aircraft in addition to an agreement to buy up to 24 Airbus planes that the company announced earlier this year

More Here

First Class Flying?

First Class Flying?

Or Coach?

Or Coach?