New Time and Channel: BJ Penn Show at 10:30

I previously blogged about the BJ Penn show that was suppose to start at 9:30 on KFVE.

Well obviously it isn’t on now.  (As you can see from the above link… the youtube clip even showed K5 although the clip is no longer available)

I’ve now learned it will start in about half an hour on KHON2:

..MAUI X PRODUCTIONS, a Hawaii based television production company will be producing the new BJPENN.COM SHOW set to air on KHON Channel 2 on Sunday Nov. 30th at 10:30 p.m

Big Island Chronicle… Unfolding and Seeking Contributors

The other day I posed the question… “When Will Tiffany Edwards Hunt Start Blogging Again?

Well it looks like the answer is “Unfolding” as I write this.  It appears that Tiffany is also looking for a few contributors to her site.  I wonder if she would post a knockout ;)


E-mail to get involved with or to offer a submission.

“Pinoy Drug Mules Jailed in Hawaii”… Says Phillipines DEA

(Headline from article) ;)

Filipino drug couriers working for Nigerian drug syndicates have been arrested and jailed in Hawaii, according to the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency…

…At least 69 Filipinos have been arrested in different airports in China since January this year for trying to smuggle heroin from Hong Kong, Macau and Malaysia.

Most of them were women.

Twenty-four of them were caught bringing suitcases that contained dangerous drugs and were all recruited either directly or indirectly by Nigerian nationals.

Eight of them concealed dangerous drugs inside their bodies; and the remaining 37 were trying to smuggle dangerous drugs into China through other means.

More Here

I think this might be their version of the Enquirer or something?

Kalaupapa Featured in the New York Times… “We are — and you are not.”

Just noticed an interesting article on Kalaupapa in the New York Times.

A Story of Exile and Union Few are Left to Tell

Kalaupapa is one place that I want to go to at least once in my life time.

…Others live here because this is where they were sent, against their will, long ago.You see, he says, “We are — and you are not…”

Today’s KO

Tonight: BJ Penn Show Sundays *Correction* 10:30 KHON2


“…Check out BJ Penn’s Show starting NOV 30th on K5 every sunday night at 9:30 pm Hawaii time, 10:30 KHON2,  If you can catch it then you can see it at BJPENN.COM the week after each episode airs…See behind the scenes with BJ and see how he’s prepairing for his upcoming fight against George St. Pierre in January for UFC 94. Then Check out some beautiful girls for the Pretty Wahine Contest we’re having, then check out The first Hawaiian underground MMA Tournament to see whos’ the best fighters on the islands…”

Senator J. Kalani English on Geothermal

I noticed Senator J. Kalani English posted this youtube video about his views on Geothermal today.

He talks about how Geothermal in Iceland is linked to the Icelandic peoples beliefs and correlates it to Pele here in Hawaii.


Is it time to re-visit Geothermal… I think so.

“…It’s Encumbent on the Hawaiians to be the first to come forward and put forward this discussion one more time.” Senator J. Kalani English

All Asian Countries Look the Same???

Often times you hear naive comments by people that judge people by their looks.

For instance, I’ve heard all Asians look the same, all African Americans look the same, and I’ve even heard all Haoles look the same.

The other day I blogged about how Taiwan’s Woes were helping the local florist industries here in Hawaii.

Reader Dave Smith commented… “I think you mean Thailand”.   Well of course I meant Thailand, I freaking was reading the BIVN blog on it at the time I was writing it.

I guess even when writing a blog, you can make stupid mistakes on Asian countries.  Sorry to any Taiwanese or Thai people that I may have offended.

I’ll just chalk this one up under the “idiot” category below.

Slugs, Snails, and Snubs… Advertiser Reports UH Research on Slimeys

I wrote about the slug and snail research that UH Researchers were working on here.

Today’s Honolulu Advertiser basically ran the same report today, “UH Researchers Compile Data on Snail, Slug, Species in Hawaii.”

It is interesting how things that I find online… interestingly enough become “Honolulu Staff” articles. ;)

If I remember correctly, former reporter Tim Ryan from the Star Bulletin was fired for writing similar articles by just rewording something that was previously written.

Wonder why the Advertiser puts “Advertiser Staff” instead of something else on the byline of the article?

I try my best to give credit where due by linking directly to articles that I cut and paste from.  It’s a shame major publications don’t do the same.

To see the article where the Advertiser and I both pulled our information from, check out Science Daily.


Silly Sundays

With the popularity of my Daily KO’s rising, I figured I’d start a new weekly post.

Every Sunday I’m now going to post a newspaper clipping or comic that makes me laugh.

Silly Sundays #1:


A Pacific View

I’ve just added a new blog to my blogroll that has been active for the last few months although I only found it this evening:

A Pacific View

I welcome Tom’s blog to my blogroll and hope he continues to provide us with the great pictures he has been taking.

Big Island Blog Finds… “Hawaiian Punchlines”, “Islandnotes” and “Hiking in Kona”

I found a couple new blogs that are originating out of the Big Island.

I’ll be keeping them on my radar of daily reads to see if they make my blogroll in the near future.

One of them is a podbased blog along with some other posts called:

Hawaiian Punchlines – And the owner of the site himself says that if you have found his site… you need to get out more often. ;)

The other blog I stumbled upon is called Islandnotes.

It appears to be another start up blog based out of Puna.

I wish them the best of sucess with their new blogs.

It takes a strong community of bloggers to really share information here on the Big Island.

John Powell also sent in his blog to me via email: Hiking in Kona

Man Dies in Big Island Police Custody

I will be very curious as to how and why this person died in custody.  Our jails are suppose to be safe.  This happened more then 30 hours after the guy was taken into custody.

A 47-year-old Hilo man died today (November 29) while in police custody. The man was found unresponsive within a cell at the Hilo police cellblock at approximately 3 p.m. Fire/rescue personnel were immediately summoned, but he could not be revived. The decedent was transported to Hilo Medical Center, where he was pronounced dead.

The decedent had been taken into custody at 9:50 am the previous day. He was arrested with criminal trespass in the first degree and theft in the third degree. He had been unable to post $1,000 bail and was placed into a single occupancy cell…

More Here

Pedestrian Killed on Akoni Pule Highway

A 33-year-old North Kohala woman died Saturday (November 28) from injuries sustained in a motor vehicle/pedestrian collision on Akoni Pule Highway, 545 feet west of the 24-mile marker…

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Hawaiian “EDventure” Program

I just learned of a program at UH Hilo that I had never heard of called the “Hawaiian EDventure Program”.


“The mission of these programs is to deepen cross-cultural understanding between Japan and Hawaii, while promoting authentic Hawaiian culture to Japan”  Japaninsight Blog

It seems like a cool program that I wish I could have had a chance to attend while I was attending school on the Big Island.

…This GROUP-based educational travel program is Hawaii’s premier educational and cultural travel program… Eco-Tourism: Hawaiian EdVenture

It looks like the group had a blog going, but it hasn’t been active in awhile.

I’ve always felt that the reason I left the Big Island to go to school at UH Manoa was because of the lack of courses and opportunities available for students at the campus.

It’s good to see more and more programs catering to the students.

Now I would just be thrilled if UH Hilo got a Football Program but that will never happen.

Heck, I’d be even more thrilled if Pahoa High could ever get a football team again!

Today’s KO

Local Orchid Farmers Benefit by Thailand Woes

Its amazing how many of our local hotels have preferred to buy their tropical flowers and orchids from Thailand instead of here in Hawaii.

Thailand recent bad news is great news for Island Orchid Farmers.

I hate to see the country in trouble, but I’m glad that local farmers will benefit by Thailand woes.

Hat tip to Big Island Video News

*edit* Mahalo to reader Dave Smith for correcting Taiwan to Thailand! ;)

Three Out of Every Four Species of Fish in Hawaii’s Coral Reefs are in Danger of Extinction from Overfishing

People in Hawaii eat a significant amount of fish.  They have for many generations.  As the island population increases and the economy gets worse and worse, more people are going to be depending on fishing as a resource to provide food for their families.

I have blogged previously about eating more fish now that I have moved back to this island just because I have more access to ohana and friends who do fish then I did on Oahu.

How do we as a society try to educate people so that we don’t deplete one of our own food sources?

In the Pacific Northwest, they actually made laws where only “Native Americans” could fish on Odd days and “White People” could only fish on even days.  This was to protect the salmon runs that many of the Native Americans in the Pacific Northwest relied upon for food long before Lewis and Clark were ever names in the Northwest.

Protecting our fish supply should be a priority.  How we implement the rules and enforce them will  be difficult to do and there will be much resistance to the effort of protecting them.

Three out of every four species of fish in Hawaii’s coral reefs are in danger of extinction from overfishing, according to a report from researchers at the Oceanic Institute and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and presented at the International Coral Reef Symposium in Fort Lauderdale, Fla…

More Here

Jan TenBruggencate recently blogged about “Where the fish? Maybe we already caught them” recently and he mentions a few reasons why Hawaii’s fish stock is depleting.

He states one of the key players in the decline of reef fish is fishing:

…The key player in the decline of Hawai’i reef fish…is fishing, says the study—the largest-ever assessment of reef fish populations in the main Hawaiian Islands…

Alternate Route In and Out of Puna a Priority on Councilwoman Naeole’s Agenda

I like Auntie Em’s idea here to finally put an alternate route in and out of Puna as a Priority.

Puna Councilwoman Emily Naeole offered several priorities, including the creation of an alternative route in and out of Puna, creating more affordable housing and to help homeless people.

More Here

Local College Professor Makes Profound Impact on My Life… The Importance of Community Colleges

I attended one of the top 200 public schools in the Nation according to a Newsweek article from a few years back.

I was one of those kids that really wasn’t that motivated in high school and pretty much attended school so that I could play sports and socialize with my friends.

I didn’t really think about attending college after High School because at the time, I didn’t really know much about financial aid and I was still getting on my feet after moving out of my mom’s house and trying to live independently.

After bouncing around many jobs, my mom got an opportunity to move to Hawaii and left me behind in the mainland.  I bounced from job to job for a few years, before my mom finally gave me an opportunity to go back to college, however, this time it was going to be a fresh start in life here in Hawaii.

I wasn’t able to get into UH Hilo directly with an application, because they required the SAT scores and all the other BS that was required to get into a 4 year institution.  I don’t even think I had the GPA out of High School that would have been required of me.

I did have this option though, my mother was working at Hawaii Community College, and part of her benefits were that children could attend HawCC.  I was fortunate that I got two years paid at HawCC through my mom’s job.

The important thing that happened to me at HawCC, is that I took a class called Sociology 100 with Noellie Rodrigues.  The things that I learned about life in general from this class and her teaching methods in general inspired me that first semester at HawCC to really try my best in college.  Still to this day I can recall this “M&M Candy” game that she pretty much invented and used at other conferences that she had attended.  I took two more classes from her and learned much each time.

I actually was inspired enough to begin writing for the school paper, as well as being inspired to run for a Student Government spot on the Associated Student Body.  I was fortunate enough to get enough votes to be elected as a Student Senator for the school in which I learned so many lessons.

Because of these experiences at HawCC, I was inspired even more to go onto UH Manoa where I pretty much zoomed through my degree program in two years while receiving a 3.8 gpa in my major.

I attribute most of this because of the inspiration that Ms. Noellie Rodrigues gave me.  There were other teachers and counselors as well.  Barbara Arthurs hired me as her student assistant for the “Kokua” program, Professor John Marlow inspired me into public speeking with his speech classes.  Trina Nahm-Mijo taught me a lot about psychology.  As you can see, I didn’t learn much about Grammar or English Skills… but that’s ok.

Why I feel so inspired to write this now… Is because I was thinking back to my college time, and although I spent almost equal time between UH Manoa and HawCC, it was the professors at HawCC that I remember best more then a decade later.

If you ever have the chance to say thanks to a Professor at a local Community College… do so.

Thank you Noellie Rodrigues!