Mauna Kea Comprehensive Mountain Plan (CMP): Keck Engineer Andrew Coopers Commentary

I’m just gonna point you straight over to Keck Engineer Andrew Coopers recent commentary of the Mauna Kea Comprehensive Mountain Plan (CMP).

I stand by previous statments that I am still neutral on this project and I myself have not read the CMP.

Deja Vu on the Rocket Plane Plans… Take Off From One Island, Land on Another

Speaking at the FAA Commercial Space Transportation Conference in Crystal City, Virginia, earlier this month, Rocketplane Global vice president Chuck Lauer discussed his company’s plans to operate its XP suborbital spaceplane from Hawaii as the first of its “secondary” spaceports it would use after its home base in Oklahoma. However, instead of taking off and landing at the same airport, as it would in Oklahoma, the XP would take off from one island and land on another. “It will be the first licensed point-to-point suborbital spaceflight corridor,” he said. “You’re not taking off and landing at the same point.”

Under the notional plan Lauer discussed at the conference, the XP would take off under jet power from Kona International Airport on the Big Island and, after igniting its rocket motor for the suborbital part of the flight, land on Oahu. While Honolulu International Airport would be one possible landing site, Lauer said later that an alternative was Kalaeloa Airport, the former Barbers Point Naval Air Station on the west side of Oahu. The total trip length would be about the same as flights from the Oklahoma Spaceport, where the XP would take off and fly away from the spaceport before turning around and flying the suborbital part of the flight on the way back. “It’s essentially the same total ground track that we fly in Oklahoma, except that we’re taking the hairpin and unfolding it into a straight line,” he said…

More Here

All this recent talk about the Rocket Planes and Space Tourism.

I guess no one read my blog in August when I blogged:

Rocket Plane and NASA Want Hawaii as their Liftoff Location

rocketplaneOr my blog in December:

20 Years Later Still No Spaceports South of Volcanoes National Park

If/when this buggah ever comes to fruition… they better give me a free ride for all the publicity I’m giving them. :roll:

Honolulu County Civil Defense Joins the Twitter Ohana

A few weeks ago I blogged how Hawaii County residents were not adequately warned when Waikoloa Flooded.

I got a response from the County to a question I wrote them here.

I asked about Twitter being used by Hawaii County Civil Defense and received this response:

4. Hawaii County Has A Civil Defense Twitter site… why is it not being used?

Civil Defense is unaware of that account. As I discovered now that I just signed on for my own account, apparently anyone could have set up the CD account. However City Watch is more efficient in reaching large numbers of people, many of whom do not have Twitter accounts. Almost everybody has a telephone. At some point it may behoove us to use Twitter as part of emergency notification procedures but at the current time we do not because of the alternatives available. Thanks for your interest.

Well just earlier today, Honolulu County Civil Defense it appears to have signed onto Twitter.

I can’t verify the link just yet, but I have no reason to believe it’s not the Honolulu Civil Defense.

You can check out their twitter site here:

I did notice that Hawaii County Public Information Specialist Hunter Bishop signed up for a Twitter account and actually has a few followers already… I wonder why he hasn’t even at least posted something on there?

I’ve always said that Big Island is at least 5-10 years behind Oahu.  There is no reason why this needs to be this way when it comes to Emergency Services that could be provided at very little cost to us taxpayers.

What happens if you’re at the beach or away from your house with this “Phone Call System” that only 2600 people have actually SIGNED up for that the County might be forking over $40,000 per year in three years?  (Reminder… the other numbers that were used in the statistics were drawn from the White Pages in the Phone Book… HOW many of you have your cell number listed in the White Pages…. that’s what I thought!)

AND I STILL Haven’t gotten a response to the replies to the answers!  Guess I’ll have to send off another letter when I get a chance.

Senator John McClain Criticizes Promotion of Astronomy Spending in Hawaii

Republican Senator John McCain said on Tuesday night he believed an overhaul of the U.S. healthcare system was possible this year after President Barack Obama called for such a timetable.

In his speech to a joint session of the U.S. Congress, Obama said that due to rising costs, revamping the healthcare system “must not wait, and it will not wait another year.”

McCain, who is a member of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labour and Pensions, said in an interview after the speech that he felt an accord was reachable this year.

“I do think it’s possible, because I think that the inflation associated with healthcare is so severe, as the president correctly stated, it’s affecting all of our economy,” said McCain, who lost to Obama in last November’s presidential election.

“Certainly a lot of us are eager to work with the president on that issue,” he said.

But McCain had some criticism of omnibus budget legislation soon to be considered by the U.S. Congress.

While Obama spoke in his speech about ruling out adding pet spending projects to budget legislation, McCain said the budget bill coming up included 9,246 of those projects that would spend billions of dollars.

“A certain inconsistency there,” said McCain, specifically criticizing a project he said would spend “$2 million for the promotion of astronomy in Hawaii.…”

More Here

Grandma Nan From Puna Talks About Her Anniversary of Losing Her Virginity and Calls Out Abercrombie, Hirono, and Akaka on the Marijuana Laws

Grandma Nan from Puna, Hawaii… Now this is a youtube character I will be watching to see what comes of her little episodes!  I’ve never met her… but this is some classic stuff.


Talking about losing her virginity:

A video she posted today calling out our local representatives:

If your interested in viewing MANY other clips of Grandma Nan from Puna… you can click here

Entire Town of Honoka’a Shows up For World Premier of “Honoka’a Boy”

BIVN has footage of the the entire town of Honoka’a in one place, as the premier of “Honoka’a Boy” took place this weekend.  You can see clips of this event on his blog here.

Here is the actual trailer to the flick:

Hawaiian Idol VI Qualifiers at Parrot Lounge in Kona Bowl… Video

You can see the tabs up top  for previous clips of Hawaiian Idol VI from Kona Bowl.

Hawaiian Idol VI 2009.. If you think you have what it takes to be the next Hawaiian Idol, Kona Bowl today for your chance to qualify! Visit for details, or for all the pictures of last year’s Hawaiian Idol VI:

The Civil Union Bill Tweet Feed from Derrick DePledge


I have the feeling that this hearing is going to go way late into the night.  I’ve set up Derrick DePledge’s Tweet feed on the left.  I’m not sure how long he will be at the capital.  But I’ll leave it up there until he’s done and switch it over to another feed from the capital if someone else picks it up.

(Honolulu Advertiser columnist Derrick Depledge is at the Legislature Twittering live from this historic hearing.  The Tweets that he is providing are really showing an interesting insight on things.)

  1. Young warns senators who vote “yes” that people will work to prevent their re-election.

  2. Young, who opposes civil unions, said people should not be manipulated into supporting civil unions under the guise of tolerance.

  3. Poulos: “We’re really listening now. The sleeping giant is awake.”

  4. Poulos, a concerned parent, said people mistakenly believed that lawmakers would represent them and preserve marriage after the 1998 ConAm.

  5. Ozoa, a UH student, tearfully says: “I’m basically just asking for equality, the same rights as you folks have.”

  6. Scow: civil unions would open the door to teaching homosexuality in public schools.

  7. Scow: “Homosexuals, your lifestyle is not healthy for you.”

  8. Scow says homosexuals want to infiltrate the minds of children.

  9. Scow, a Mililani mother, said homosexuality is an abomination in the eyes of God.

  10. Reynolds, whose daughter is a lesbian, said she loves her daughter but it takes a mother and a father to produce a child.

  11. Dame, a progressive activist, says 1998 ConAm reserving marriage to men and women does not stop Leg from ending discrimination against gays.

  12. Sans, from UH and the partner of Hamilton Krieger, says the fact that interfaith groups support civil unions shows religions are divided.

  13. Scene at Senate JGO hearing on civil unions: crowd has thinned considerably from the morning but still standing room only in auditorium.

  14. Scene: Many supporters of civil unions, who are outnumbered, are wearing gold stickers with the word “equality” in green.

  15. Scene: Many opponents wearing red t-shirts in unity; others wearing white t-shirts with the words “marriage 1 man & 1 woman.”

  16. Scene: Turnout for civil unions hearing is the largest in recent memory; larger than Superferry hearings during 2007 special session.

  17. Senate JGO will break for Senate floor session at 11:30 a.m. and then reconvene civil unions hearing at 1:30 p.m. in the auditorium.

  18. Alexander says marriage is a special benefit and should be preserved. He said opposition is not about discrimination.

  19. Alexander said reciprocal beneficiaries could be improved and serve as a model.

  20. Father Alexander, of the Catholic Church, says civil unions are undeniably same-sex marriage by another name.
  21. Spector asks how many married couples would trade in their marriage for a civil union — if the two are supposedly the same.

  22. Spector: Polls show public support for civil unions but not for same-sex marriage.

  23. Spector, who is gay, says it is not easy being compared to child molesters and rapists and being called diseased and a threat to Hawaii.

  24. Spector, of Family Equality Coalition, thanks Arakaki for comments about forgiveness.

  25. Siu, of Christian Voice, asks whether state should recognize child molesters or rapists.

  26. Scene: standing room only in the state Capitol auditorium; hundreds gathered outside in the hallway, watching on television.

  27. Arakaki asks for forgiveness from gay and lesbians because religious community has failed to fully embrace them.

  28. Arakaki suggests a social impact study on the influence of civil unions on families, similar to environmental impact statements.

  29. Arakaki suggests a ConAm for 2010 to define marriage “once and for all.”

  30. Arakaki, of the Hawaii Family Forum, delivers boxes with signed testimony from more than 8,000 people who are opposed.

  31. Okino says he bases his moral decisions on the Bible.

  32. Sen. Nishihara asks whether Okino bases his decision on the Bible or the law.

  33. Okino: “I believe they’re misinterpreting the Bible.”

  34. Sen. Nishihara asks about churches that support civil unions.

  35. Okino: “I’m for putting this on the ballot, like we were forced at the city to put the rail issue on the ballot. This is more important.”

  36. Okino: Civil unions would give legal equivalence to the homosexual lifestyle.

  37. Okino: marriage is between a man and woman because the “parts fit.” Homosexuality, he says, causes disease.

  38. Honolulu City Councilman Okino: civil unions would be a danger to the community.

  39. Scene at Senate JGO civil unions hearing: children sitting on the floor doing homework; people praying.

  40. Pyle, of HI Dem. Party, says state party and President Obama support civil unions.
  41. Sen. Slom says UH speaker marginalizes the electorate.

  42. UH’s Hamilton: “Let us be clear, homophobia harms children.”

  43. UH’s Hamilton says reasoned deliberation by lawmakers, not the popular will, should determine civil unions. Cites civil-rights history.

  44. UH’s Hamilton says reciprocal beneficiaries law is “constitutionally deficient.”

  45. Sen. Bunda says it would be better to strengthen reciprocal beneficiaries law than have civil unions.

  46. BOE’s Iwamoto says she’s not aware that heterosexuality is taught in public schools.

  47. Sen. Gabbard asks Iwamoto whether homosexuality should be taught equally with marriage in public schools — shows children’s books for gays.

  48. BOE’s Iwamoto says inequality sends message to children that something is wrong with gays and lesbians.

  49. Senate JGO says more than 1,300 have signed up to testify on civil unions bill.

  50. At Senate JGO hearing on civil unions. Overflow crowd.

Konawaena Pool Now Heated by Solar and Open on Weekends… PAHOA POOL STILL FREEZING

Media Release

The Department of Parks and Recreation would like to remind the public that the Konawaena pool is opened on weekends and has recently received a solar heating system to heat the pool water.  Pool Hours are:

Mon-Thurs: 10:00 am – 1 :00 pm, 2:15 pm – 5:15pm.

Fridays: 10:00 am – 5:15 pm.

Sat/Sun: 10:00 am – 1:00 pm, 2:15 pm – 5:30 pm.  If you have any questions, call 323‑3252

FREE: County Emergency Response Training (CERT)

Media Release

The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training is FREE and will be offered in Keaukaha on March 7, 14, 21 and 28th.  CERT is hosted by the Hawaii County Civil Defense Agency, the Fire Department, and the Hawaii County Resource Center, a program of the Department of Research and Development.

CERT Training consists of 27 hours of training in which participants learn about emergency response procedures and understand their roles and functions in the event of a major disaster that affects their community.

The goal of CERT Training is for emergency personnel to train residents, community organizations or workplaces in basic response skills: how to assess damage after a disaster, effectively work as team with other community members, extinguish small fires, and perform basic rescue operations and first aid.


  • Four Saturdays, March 7, 14, 21, and 28, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
  • Keaukaha Elementary School Cafeteria.

Trained individuals may choose to form a Community Emergency Response Team in their neighborhood or workplace.  After completing CERT requirements, Team members are recognized as an official CERT, and may be activated by the Hawaii County Civil Defense agency in the event of a disaster.

These hands-on workshops are FREE, and will be conducted by certified CERT instructors of the Hawaii Fire Department.  Registration is limited to 30 participants. The program fee is sponsored by the County of Hawaii, which covers the workshops and CERT Training manual.

To register for the training workshops, visit, or contact Frecia Basilio, Hawaii County Resource Center at 961-8085.

County Transfer Stations Reverting to Summer Hours… Pahoa Recycling Center Still Only Open on Weekends

The Department of Environmental Management announces that effective Sunday, March 1, 2009, County Transfer Stations will revert to summer hours of operation which is 6:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. seven days a week. The Hilo Transfer Station hours remain 6:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Pahoa transfer station

Pahoa transfer station

For further information, please contact Bobby Gonsalves, Solid Waste Operations Superintendent at 961-8514.


I’d be happy when they friggin opened the Pahoa Hi-5 Redemption/Recycle Center to more then just weekends!


Pahoa HI-5 Recycling Center

Fundraiser for Rat Lungworm Victim Silka Strauch


“Big Dog 5K” Run/Walk/Jog… Saturday, March 7th

I just noticed the following “Paw Print” on the bottom of a post recently by Big Islands newest blogger Wayne Joseph.

Saturday, March 7 is the “Big Dog 5K” starting in the parking area of Moku Ola (Coconut Island) at 7:30 a.m. and hosted by Big Dog Productions.

The 3.1-mile run, walk or jog is free and open to the public regardless of ability level. Following the event there will be free refreshments and the awarding of the “Dog Perpetual Trophy.”

For more information call the Big Dog @ 969-7400 or Email the Big Dog at

Family Free Day at Imiloa Center This Sunday


Free Day at Imiloa Astronomy Center this Sunday, March 1st.

Community members get a tour inside of Imiloa

Community members get a tour inside of Imiloa

The Community is invited to Imiloa’s Third Birthday Bash, A Free day thanks to our Sponsor KTA Super Stores.

Fun for all ages

Fun for all ages

NASA team offers Moon Rover, Space Quiz and other fun activities.  Short planetarium experiences thorough out the day. Garden Tours, Presentations from NASA Personnel and Hawaiian Space Lexicon Committee and much more. Family Freindly Day!  First time visitor or  `Imiloa Member, a day not to miss.

Montessori School kids enjoy a presentation at the Imiloa Center

Montessori School kids enjoy a presentation at the Imiloa Center

REMINDER: Free Pancakes at IHOP Today


Tell ’em I sent you :roll: