Prime Minister Henry Noa of the Lawful Hawaiian Government Announcing a Nationwide Free Election

From the Kingdom of Hawaii YouTube Site:

Prime Minister Henry Noa announces the upcoming election for the Kingdom of Hawaii on November 5th, 2011. Interview by David Lakota at the Mana Kau Kana Wai, the 35th Legislative Session of the Lawful Hawaiian Government in Oahu.

Prime Minister Henry Noa, Nobles, Representatives, and other members of the Kingdom, convened to conduct government business, and to conclude that upcoming election is among the most simple and poweful of means to unify the previously divided people of the Hawaiian Nation.

There are positions, filled and unfilled, for 24 Nobles and 24 Representatives, in the Kingdom of Hawaii, the Lawful Hawaiian Government. Several more of these seats were filled at the annual legislative session.

Leaders of the Hawaiian Nation are calling out to the Kanaka Maoli of Hawaii, and those who are living and traveling abroad, to “Come home.” Fill the remaining seats of the Lawful Hawaiian Government so that this sovereign Nation of Hawaii may be complete.

The nationwide free election for the independent people of Hawaii, both Kanaka Maoli and non-Kanaka Maoli is the single most powerful way yet undertaken for the unification of these Hawaiian Islands.

Hawaii Society of Professional Journalism Invites from the Big Island

I’m honored that the Hawaii Society of Professional Journalist thought enough of my blog to invite me to enter in their 2010 HSPJ Excellence in Journalism Contest despite me not even being a member of the society!

Here is a list of the other Big Island sites nominated invited to participate (Let me know if I missed someone):

To view the other Hawaii State nominees invitees,  go to and click on Newspapers and Journalists Log in Here under the “Are you a contestant?”  then use drop down menu on site and go to: 2011 2010  HSPJ Excellence in Journalism.

Wordless Wednesday – Pahoa KFC Opens

It’s OPEN!  The new KFC in Pahoa!

Believe it or not… Kentucky Fried Chicken (as it was called back in the 80’s) was one of my first real jobs!

Legends of the Pacific Luau

I previously mentioned that I stayed at the Hilton Waikoloa Village this weekend and thoroughly enjoyed my little “Staycation”.

On Sunday evening we tried out the “Legends of the Pacific Luau” at the Kamehameha Court.

The event starts with a photo opportunity where they “lei” you and take a picture of you.

The two boys get leid

We then got into the court where the luau was taking place and we got their just in time to see the pig getting chopped up after coming out of the imu.

Preparing Kalua Pig

I begun taking pictures of the food before it started getting devoured!

Dessert table

Mini Lau Lau's

Short Ribs

Catch of the Day


As the emcee warmed up the crowd with some basic hula lessons…

Learning the "Hukilau"

We took the kids over to get Hawaiian Tattoo’s (made with permanent markers) :roll:

My nephew anxious for his tattoo

It wasn’t my idea and I don’t think my wife realized how long it would take to get them off… but so be it!

My son getting his tattoo

We ate our food and then the show began

The Wahine take the stage

I enjoyed the whole show… but of course the highlight for me and the kids was the fire dancer!

After the show… we took the kids to meet some of the dancers and my son headed straight for Poliahu (the Snow Goddess) as he learned that she was the snow goddess.

Hayden and Poliahu

Then the two boys jumped on stage to get a picture with the guy that performed the fire dance.

The two boys with the Fire Dancer

We really enjoyed the food and the presentation that the folks of Hilton Waikoloa Village and Tihati Productions put on for us and I highly recommend this luau.