Update On One of the Rat Lungworm Victims… Doctors Say He Will Make a Full Recovery

Here is a quick update on one of the victims that got infected with the rat lungworm disease while visiting Puna here on the Big Island.

a holidaymaker, who traveled to Hawaii to learn about organic farming, found himself in hell, after catching a flesh-numbing parasite.22-year-old Eric Reinert was confined to a wheel chair when his nervous system was attacked by a crippling disease-rat lungworm.  

The rare microscopic organism lives in rats and can be caught by eating fruit and vegetables that have not been thoroughly washed.

Now the former state wrestler is having to learn to walk again, CBS News reported.

‘Every movement was just dreaded – horrible, awful, terrible,’ said Reinert.

The young man left Watertown, Minnesota last November to travel to Hawaii to indulge his passion for organic farming…

Crippling disease: 22-year-old Eric Reinert has been confined to a wheel chair since his nervous system was attacked by paralysing disease rat lungworm

…Doctors diagnosed him with rat lungworm.After a month in hospital he was allowed home and is now making small steps to get back to health.  Doctors say he will make a full recovery.

‘A lot of people in Hawaii don’t know this exists, I didn’t know it existed. I wasn’t told about it because I’m sure the people I lived with didn’t know it exists,’ Reinert told CBS.

‘Honestly … this left side of my face is still numb,’ said Reinert.

‘Every day it gets a little better. It’s kind of a roller coaster with the pain but overall, that’s what I tell everybody. Overall, I’m getting better every day,’ he said.

Monster Inside Me… Rat Lungworm and Silka Strauch Video

A very interesting clip on Rat Lungworm produced by Animal Planet:

Monster Inside Me… Rat Lungworm (2 minutes)

The following is an interesting video that shows Puna Resident Silka Strauch in the Hospital recovering from her battle with Rat Lungworm Disease as well as a lot of other stuff I don’t understand.

I wish I could understand the language being spoken.

If anyone can translate this, I would be interested in the English Version.

Here is a website that the Strauch family has set up to help in the medical costs incurred:

Hilfe für Silka Strauch

Puna Rat Lungworm Victim Recovering Slowly

Honolulu Advertiser
Graham McCumber

Graham McCumber

When Graham McCumber was able to speak again in early April, he thought he had been in the hospital for just three days.

But the 24-year-old carpenter’s apprentice and surfer had been hospitalized since just after Christmas — much of the time in a coma brought on by one of the most severe cases of rat lungworm disease ever seen in Hawai’i.

In January, doctors reviewed the damage to his brain from the rare, parasite-born disease and told his family that even if he survived he might never eat or talk again.

“They gave us three choices, none of them good,” McCumber’s mother Kay Howe said. “I said, ‘I choose a fourth alternative. I choose a miracle.’ “

She feels like she got what she prayed for.

Though weak and thin compared to his former athletic build, McCumber on Sunday was able to sit up propped by pillows and move all his limbs in his first interview since leaving Hilo Medical Center April 30.

“I’m stretching on mats on the floor and practicing walking,” McCumber said.

He’s happy to be out of the hospital.

“I used to be tube man,” he joked, reflecting on the breathing tubes, feeding tubes and tubes that removed drainage from his lungs not that long ago.

It wasn’t until mid-April that McCumber was officially declared completely out of his coma, his aunt Lyn Howe said.

Moving his arms and looking around the sunlit bedroom, McCumber said he knows his vision has been affected, as have most parts of his body (especially the left side). He still takes nerve pain medications, and is getting treatments for nerve regeneration and strength building.

He still chooses his words slowly.

His short-term goal is “maybe walking in a couple of months, without a wheelchair or anything,” he said. Now, he needs a walker and two people supporting him to take even a few steps.

Longer-term goals include surfing and playing the guitar again. And ultimately, he’d like to go to Bali and study Ayurvedic medicine.

A healer from Bali, Pak Mangku, was among many people doing nontraditional healing work on McCumber, his mother said.

“The Western doctors did a fine job of fighting the infections and other problems that arose from being in the hospital,” she said. But she said acupuncture, Chinese herbs and the long-distance energy work of Pak Mangku were crucial to her son’s recovery.

Tiny slugs ingested

McCumber’s memory of life before rat lungworm is good, though he still has no idea what particular food might have contained tiny slugs or their slime, introducing the rat lungworm (Angiostrongylus cantonensis) parasite into his body.

“I tried to think back on it, and I don’t know exactly,” McCumber said. He does remember that he had seen slugs crawling on the floor in the place he lived when he got sick.

McCumber is one of three Big Island residents diagnosed with particularly severe cases of rat lungworm disease in December. The others are Silka Strauch, 38, and Zsolt Halda, 36.

Strauch, a yoga instructor who went into a coma Dec. 8 from the disease, remains in Hilo Medical Center. She’s able to respond to people with her eyes and hands much of the time and clearly understands what people are saying to her except during periods when she is “not there,” her friend Kristina Mauak said.

Strauch cannot talk because of the breathing tube in her throat, but smiles and cries.

Strauch’s parents, who came from Germany to be with her, have set up a German Web site and are doing interviews with German television in an attempt to raise money to take her back to their home country, Mauak said.

Before travel is even considered, however, Strauch has to be completely weaned from a breathing machine and free of infections.

Halda was treated for the disease and released in January.

strong recovery

Hilo Medical Center’s Dr. Jon Martell said of McCumber: “He’s made a strong recovery. The recovery for both of them (Strauch and McCumber) has been stronger than we expected.”

McCumber has maintained his humor despite his ordeal. When he first started talking in early April, his mother mentioned that his voice sounded like Darth Vader from the “Star Wars” movies. McCumber responded with, “Luke, I am your father.”

Minutes later, McCumber said, “I have been fasting a really long time. I’m really hungry.”

Both statements brought immense hope to his family.

“No one was sure if he would have to relearn how to speak, like a stroke victim,” Kay Howe said.

“Once he knew he could talk, you couldn’t get him to stop,” Lyn Howe said.

“It seemed like speech made his being back in the world real,” his mother said. In addition to English, he’s recalling Indonesian and Spanish.

Via an e-mail from his aunt, McCumber sent this additional comment on his situation to The Advertiser Tuesday: “Life really is like a box of chocolates; sometimes you get a chocolate-covered cherry and sometimes you get rat lung. In my case it was rat lung.”

His advice to others: “Don’t let a slug make you afraid to eat your vegetables.”

Fundraiser for Rat Lungworm Victim Silka Strauch


“Butt Ugly” Grew 4 Inches on Me!

In December I blogged about an 8 inch “Butt Ugly” worm.


Well I think the Bipalium Kewense grew on me!  I just found this one outside that is almost a foot long!

Lighter added to show size

Lighter added to show size

I know these buggahs are harmless… but they sure are friggin gross little worms… or in this case big!  I have to wonder what type of germs they carry with the recent Rat Lungworm problems we have been having in Puna.

Tomorrow: Informational Meeting on Rat Lungworm… Zsolt Halda Released From Hospital

Hat tip to Richard Ha:

Rat Lungworm Meeting this Saturday, Jan. 31, at noon at SPACE in Kalapana Seaview Estates. We hope to have many well-informed people attending as the purpose of this meeting is informational. Zsolt Halda, who has just been released from the hospital, will be there.


Jane Whitefield gives us these directions to SPACE, which is hosting the Rat Lungworm meeting mentioned here this Saturday, 1/31/09:

You drive down Hwy. 130 toward Kalapana. When you dead end at the lava, turn left. This is Hwy. 137. Drive toward Kehena and Kalapana Seaview Estates (it’s probably a 10-minute drive and very hilly, but overlooks the ocean – Spectacular!). Turn left into Seaview. Travel up the entrance road until you see the sign on the right that says “SPACE,” with a hand pointing to the left. Follow that to the entrance and parking lot.

She tells us, too, that there is a Yahoo group called Parasites out of Paradise if anyone is interested in learning more.

There is some other good information that is coming out now.

I previously blogged about this here, here and here.