Honolulu’s First Important Popolo?

I love checking out old pictures of Hawaii.

This lady on Flicker has some pretty cool ones here.

This picture of an article just shows just how much society has changed:

Jet Magazine Sept 2, 1954

Jet Magazine Sept 2, 1954

From the Archives: Safarik… “It’s Funded. It’s Not Just a Pipe Dream” – Kenoi… “Puna Gets Attention Because of Negative Socioeconomic Factors”

I was just reading through some back articles on Pahoa and Puna issues and I came across something of interest in this September 12, 2003 Starbulletin Article that mentioned both Safarik and Kenoi.

…County Councilman Gary Safarik has obtained $1.25 million to start a 10-year-old concept called “Pahoa Resource Park” in the middle of the town. It will include an outdoor amphitheater, an information kiosk, public restrooms, a farmer’s market with permanent structures and a police substation.

It’s funded. It’s not just a pipe dream,” Safarik said

So what became of this… or was it a “Pipe Dream?”


And in the same article:

…Billy Kenoi, Mayor Kim’s drug coordinator, said ice is a problem everywhere on the Big Island, but Puna gets attention because of negative socioeconomic factors

Well Ice is still a problem and so are the socioeconomic factors.  What did you do with all that money and how effective was it?

Interesting article, more here

Tonga Hit With 7.1 Earthquake… No Tsunami Threat for Hawaii

A strong earthquake with a magnitude of 7.1 rocked a remote area of the South Pacific Ocean east of the island nation of Tonga Sunday, the U.S. Geological Survey said…

…The Hawaii-based Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said on its website (www.prh.noaa.gov) that the quake, 195 km (120 miles) east of Tonga, had been measured at a depth of 33 km and that no tsunami warning had been issued…

More Here

HIFF Award Winning Film to Premier at UH Hilo this Week

The Hawaii International Film Festival award winning film:

NOHO HEWA: The Wrongful Occupation of Hawaii

From the Advertiser:

“The Halekulani Golden Award for Documentary was presented to “Noho Hewa: The Wrongful Occupation of Hawai’i,” directed by Hawaiian filmmaker Anne Keala Kelly”

Will be premiering for FREE at UH HILO this week:

Monday, October 20 10:00 AM UH Hilo CC301 FREE

Monday, October 20 2:00 PM UH Hilo UCB127 FREE

Monday, October 20 7:00 PM UH Hilo UCB100 FREE

You can see the website for info on the film here.

For those uneducated about the issues “Noho Hewa” addresses, Hawaiian activists can appear to be unduly angry, their causes ridiculously unrealistic. But in taking a stand on the side of the Hawaiian cause, the film does an excellent job of providing context to their perspectives. And it even goes one step further: It conveys knowledge that resonates in the heart as well as the mind… Starbulletin

Here is the director Anne Keala Kelly talking about the film recently at the HIFF:

Saga of “Falls of Clyde” Makes the New York Times

Just noticed that the recent saga of “Falls of Clyde” has made the New York Times today:

…Next month, the ship, built in Scotland in 1878, is to leave the slip it has occupied for 25 years near the landmark Aloha Tower and Honolulu’s cruise ship terminal. Its destination, and whether the group, the Friends of the Falls of Clyde, which is starting out with just $35,000, will find the millions needed to repair her, remains in doubt…

Today’s KO

Why there are laws against riding in the back of trucks:

Pilago vs. Kenoi: The Recent Debate on Video

Big Island Video News has done it again providing coverage of the recent debate between Pilago and Kenoi.

You can see the debate in whole here (Scroll down to see parts of the debate)

More Health Benefits Tied to Macadamia Nuts

NaturalNews is reporting some of the health benefits tied to macadamia nuts.

Cardiovascular Disease and cholesterol levels improved in a recent test:

Another dietary trial in Hawaii also demonstrated that macadamia nut consumption lowered risk indicators for heart disease. And a study in at the University of Newcastle, involving subjects with elevated cholesterol levels, found that participants who ate macadamia nuts showed significant reduction in blood serum cholesterol, total blood triglycerides, LDL cholesterol, and blood clots

…And we saved the best news for last. Studies of tree nut eaters, a category that includes macadamias, usually weigh less than control subjects when studied.

More Here

Is Lingle Losing Her Credibility? Giraffes 20 Legs Down to 16

The other day I poked fun at Linda Lingles recent comment about Barack by calling her a kook.

Well if you have a minute… go check out Lee Cataluna’s column today (some of the comments are pretty fun as well)

Is Lingle Losing Her Cred?

It’s a good way to open up the weekend.

On another note, my Giraffes are going to be down a giraffe as we take on a team today at Shipman Field.